Did you know that amid the hustle and bustle of Taipei’s Daan District, you can get a glimpse into the city’s historic irrigation system and appreciate the variety of aquatic life in its vicinity? Although much of the Liugong Canal瑠公圳) was covered as Taiwan transitioned away from being an agricultural society, some segments were preserved and reconstructed on and around National Taiwan University’s (NTU) campus. These offer us a window into Taiwan’s past and the ways in which this land has nurtured generations.
Liugong Pool (瑠公池)
The Liugong Canal once meandered through what is now the NTU campus. As part of its reconstruction project, an artificial pool was created adjacent to Zhoushan Road has since become a thriving habitat for plants and wildlife. In this rare opportunity to connect with nature in an urban setting if you look closely, you might spot kingfishers flitting about, nightherons perched in bald cypress trees, or red-eared turtles basking on rocks between the reeds.
Photo: Bookman 圖片 : Bookman
Liugongzun Memorial Stele (瑠公圳原址碑)
A memorial stele was erected alongside Xinsheng S. Road in commemoration of the original Liugong Canal. However, later research revealed that this site is actually the former location of the Wulixue Canal (霧裡薛圳), sparking debate on the history of Taipei’s irrigation system.
During the Qing era, Chinese immigrants arrived in Taiwan to cultivate farmland, but their progress was hindered by ack of water. Guo Xiliu (郭錫瑠), one of these immigrants, worked tirelessly to secure a water source by constructing a canal, which was later named Liugong Canal in his honor. Despite numerous challenges, he succeeded in channeling water from the Xindian River to central Taipei, ultimately irrigating over 2,000 hectares of farmland.
Xun-Ji and Wulixue Canal Reconstruction Area (洵跡、霧裡薛圳景觀區)
On the west side of Xinsheng South Road, you’ll find two reconstructed sites dedicated to the Wulixue Canal. The Xun-Ji heritage site displays artifacts used in early canal construction, including gabions that fortified shorelines and modified ceramic water urns functioning as primitive concrete conduits.
These exhibits showcase the ingenuity of earlier generations, who overcame hardships with limited resources. In the Wulixue Canal Reconstruction Area, a small canal winds through the Wenzhou Street neighborhood.
The Wulixue Canal flowed through the Guting and Wanhua areas of Taipei and converged with the Liugong Canal in Daan District. During the Japanese colonial period, they were consolidated into the Liugongzun Irrigation System, which sparked controversy about their respective origins. Come and drink in the essence of the Liugong Canal. This restored area not only adds freshness to the city landscape, but also reminds us of the resilience and resourcefulness of past inhabitants, and how nature connects us throughout history.
(English drafted by Lorraine McShea、Kyle Rice、王裕忠、彭心玗 / Revised by Ann-Marie Hadzima & Jerome Su)
台北曾經是半鹹水湖及沼澤溼地,所以台大校園至今仍可看到許多水濱植物;諸如水柳Warburg Willow、水黃皮Pongame Oiltree、穗花棋盤腳Powder-puff Tree、欖仁樹Indian Almond等。瑠公池(台大生態池),位於舟山路台大生命科學館左方的農場旁,是臺大瑠公圳復原計畫的第一期工程,於2003年11月完成,並栽植數十種水生植物於水源池中及周遭,水源主要來自隔壁地下水層較高的生科館及臺大農場的地下水井。
★ 註:圳 ㄗㄨㄣ ˋ,指灌溉用的水渠。如:「瑠公圳」、「嘉南大圳」;圳 ㄓㄣ ˋ,指田野間的水溝。如:「深圳」。
引起爭議的新生南路三段 瑠公圳原址碑
霧裡圳開發比瑠公圳更早(約1735年),取景美溪水,穿越景興路,景後街到景美國中,公館蟾蜍山,在1735年到1908年之間,霧裡圳與瑠公圳並存。瑠公圳在羅斯福路四段119巷向東走,霧裡薛圳是向北走,灌溉古亭、艋舺、大同區一帶。(1908 年以後稱瑠公圳西幹線) 霧裡薛圳在羅斯福路四段12 巷附近,經羅斯福路三段,到302號附近穿越羅斯福路,流向新生南路三段的溫州街。
A. 園中植物:朱槿Hibiscus、藍星花Shaggy Dwarf Morningglory、金英花Golden Thryallis、桔梗蘭 Common Dianella、天門冬 Chinese Asparagus。
B. 周遭自生植物:虎葛/烏歛莓/五爪龍Japanese Cayratia Herb、霧水葛Pouzolzia、三角葉西番蓮Corkystem Passionflower、五蕊油柑Mascarene Island Leaf-flower、瑪瑙Twoleaf Nightshade、珊瑚珠Pigeonberry/Rougeplant。
霧裡薛圳 -- 九汴頭
在九汴頭後方,溫州街49巷內,有一處霧裡薛圳景觀復原區,圳水清澈,水中不少游魚及巴西龜。植物有柳樹Weeping Willow、桑Mulberry、文珠蘭Poison Bulb、桃金孃Myrtle、姑婆芋Giant Elephant’s Ear、流蘇Chinese Fringe Tree、構樹Paper Mulberry、蔓馬櫻丹 Climbing Lantana、番石榴 Guava 等。
周遭還有麵包樹Breadfruit、龍眼Longan、木瓜Papaya、福木Fukugi Tree、楊梅Chinese Bayberry、楓香Sweet Gum等。
蘇正隆 — 台灣翻譯學學會前理事長、師大翻譯研究所兼任副教授; 編著《走讀自然.花言樹語》,《英語的對與錯》,《世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙》...等。國家教育研究院中英雙語詞彙審議委員;研究領域為翻譯、術語及詞典編譯,從事植物與人文導覽數十年,亦曾應邀遠赴國外大學做植物人文導覽。
>> Bilingual Story is a fictionalized account 雙語故事部分內容純屬虛構
A: China’s animated blockbuster “Ne Zha 2” also smashed a box office record recently. B: It’s No. 7 among the world’s best-selling films, grossing more than US$2 billion globally. A: I t has even become the world’s highest-grossing animated film, while the political metaphors in it are causing controversy. B: But who is Ne Zha anyway? A: Ne Zha, often spelled as “Nezha,” is actually a mythical teenage deity with superpowers. A: 中國動畫片《哪吒2》最近也打破紀錄。 B: 該片已衝上影史票房排行榜第7名,全球狂賣超過20億美元。 A: 聽說它甚至是全球最賣座的動畫片,影片中的政治隱喻卻引爆爭議! B: 但哪吒是誰? A: 哪吒的名字常被拼成「Nezha」,是神話中具有超能力的青少年神明。
You enter an old-fashioned detective’s office. The door locks with a click as a radio buzzes: “Rookie detectives, a priceless diamond is missing! Solve the case in one hour.” The room is filled with clues — photographs, coded messages and secret compartments. As the grandfather clock ticks, you and your friends must work to unlock the secrets. This is what escape rooms are all about — immersive adventure games where you solve puzzles and escape the themed setting within a time limit. The concept of “escape rooms” dates back to early first-person video games. In 1988, John Wilson introduced
A: Were there any highlights at the Oscars this year? B: With 13 nods, French director Jacques Audiard’s “Emilia Perez” broke the record for most Oscar nominations earned by a non-English film. A: Wow, it broke the record of 10 Oscar nominations set by Taiwanese director Ang Lee’s “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” B: On the eve of the Oscars, Lee was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Directors Guild of America (DGA) Awards. A: It seems that Hollywood has finally become more diverse. A: 今年的奧斯卡獎有什麼亮點嗎? B: 法國導演賈克歐迪亞的《璀璨女人夢》榮獲13項提名,打破了非英語片紀錄! A: 哇打破了台灣導演李安的《臥虎藏龍》10項提名紀錄。 B: 李安則在奧斯卡前夕,獲頒美國導演工會「終身成就獎」。 A: 看來好萊塢終於比較多元化啦。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)