對話 Dialogue
Qīngqing: Āi! Xiàng Fùnǚ jié zhème zhòngyào de rìzǐ, wèishénme gānghǎo jiù zài Sānbā zhè yì tiān? Tīngqǐlái hěn bù shūfú.
Photo: Pixabay 照片:Pixabay 提供
Huáhua: Sān yuè bā hào zhège Fùnǚ jié, shì cóng xīfāng guójiā lái de, xīfāng rén nǎlǐ zhīdào Zhōngwén de “Sānbā” yǒu tèbié de yìsi?
Qīngqing:Qíshí wǒ yě bù míngbái, Zhōngwén wèishénme huì yòng zhèige cí, lái shuō nǚrén de huàihuà.
Huáhua: Suīrán shì huàihuà, dàn yěshì yònglái xíngróng nèixiē ài bāguà, tài suíbiàn de nǚrén, zhè zhǒng rén běnlái jiù hěn tǎoyàn a!
Qīngqing: Búguò yǒushíhòu wǒ gēn hǎo péngyǒu kāiwánxiào, tāmen mà wǒ sānbā la, jiù bù zhēnshì huàihuà le.
Huáhua: Suǒyǐ, hǎohǎo guò nǐ de Fùnǚ jié jiù hǎo, xiǎng nàme duō gànmá? Zhēnshì sānbā!
Qīngqing: Kànzài wǒmen shì hǎo péngyǒu de fènshàng, wǒ jiù bú rènwéi nǐ shì zài shuō wǒ de huàihuà le.
Huáhua: Hēhēhē! Nà wǒ jiù xiān zhù “Sānbā” Fùnǚ jié kuàilè la!
翻譯 Translation
Qingqing: Sigh. Why does such an important day like International Women’s Day have to fall on “3/8” (March 8)? The Chinese pronunciation sanba sounds so unpleasant.
Huahua: March 8 International Women’s Day actually comes from Western countries. How would Westerners know that “3/8” has a special meaning in Chinese?
Qingqing: Actually, I don’t really know why Chinese uses this pejorative term when speaking about women.
Huahua: It’s a negative term, but it’s mainly used to describe gossipy or overly flirtatious women. Those kinds of people are annoying anyway.
Qingqing: But sometimes, when I joke around with my good friends and they call me sanba, it doesn’t feel like an insult.Huahua: Exactly. So just enjoy your International Women’s Day and don’t overthink it. Don’t be so “3/8.”
Qingqing: As we’re good friends, I won’t take that as an insult.
Huahua: Haha. I wish my dearest “3/8” a happy Women’s Day!
生詞 Vocabulary
1. 三八 (sānbā) [slang] a gossiping or silly woman
2. 婦女節 ((Fùnǚ jié) Women’s Day
3. 西方 (xīfāng) Western
4. 詞 (cí) word, vocabulary
5. 形容 (xíngróng) describe, characterize
6. 八卦 (bāguà) [slang] gossip
7. 罵 (mà) scold, curse, insult
8. 看在…的份上 ((kànzài. . . de fènshàng) for the sake of. . .
教材音檔 Audio Files
By National Tsing Hua University Chinese Language Center:
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A: Apart from singer Daniel Kang, more South Korean stars are coming to Taiwan in March. B: Really? Like who? A: Taeyeon of Girls’ Generation will hold a concert at the Taipei Dome on March 16. B: So she’ll set a milestone by becoming the first K-pop artist to stage a show at the venue. A: Singer Lee Mu-jin, boy group NCT 127 and girl group GFRIEND are also visiting Taiwan. I can’t wait. A: 除了姜丹尼爾,3月有不少韓星訪台。 B: 真的嗎?有誰啊? A: 像是少女時代的太妍,3月16日即將唱進大巨蛋。 B: 成為首位破蛋的韓流歌手,這可真是一項里程碑! A: 歌手李茂珍、男團NCT 127、女團GFRIEND 3月也要來,真是令人期待。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
>> Bilingual Story is a fictionalized account 雙語故事部分內容純屬虛構
本文由生成式 AI 協作,本刊編輯編修 Striking a balance between taste and health can be difficult, especially for those who appreciate Asian food. Many Asian dishes are high in sodium, which can be harmful to health, including increasing the risk of hypertension and stroke. In Japan, this problem is especially severe, with the average adult __1__ about 10 grams of salt per day, double the amount recommended by the World Health Organization. While many people seek healthier choices, __2__ salt can often leave food tasting bland, which makes low-sodium diets difficult to maintain. A Japanese compa ny has developed a __3__ utensil that makes