對話 Dialogue
Qīngqing: Jīntiān zhōngwǔ wǒ yào duō chī yìdiǎn, bùrán wǎnshàng kěnéng huì chībùbǎo.
Huáhua: Zěnmele? Wèishénme huì chībùbǎo?
Qīngqing: Jīntiān Dànián chūqī, shì “Rénrì jié,” chuántǒng shàng jiéle hūn de nǚ’ér yào huíjiā gěi fùmǔ sòng chángshòumiàn, érqiě zuìhǎo shì sù de, wǒ jiějie huì huílái, zhǐ chī sùmiàn, wǒ yīnggāi hěn kuài jiù èle.
Huáhua: Wǒ háishì dì yī cì tīngshuō yǒu “Rénrì jié” ne! Zhè shì zěnme lái de a?
Qīngqing: Lǎoyíbèi de rén shuō, Nǚwā shì zài dì qī tiān zào chūle “rén,” suǒyǐ jīntiān kěshuōshì wǒmen měi ge rén de “shēngrì” ne! Shēngrì kuàilè!
Huáhua: Nǐ yěshì a! Éi? Nà qián liù tiān Nǚwā dōu zuòle shénme ne?
Qīngqing: Ànzhào shùnxù shì jī, gǒu, zhū, yáng, niú hàn mǎ, tāmen dōu bǐ wǒmen zǎo láidào zhège shìjiè, zhè yěshì wèishénme jīntiān zuìhǎo yào chīsù de yuányīn.
Huáhua: Zhème yǒuyìsi, nà xiàbān wǒ yào qù mǎi ge dàngāo, lái qìngzhù rénlèi de shēngrì le, hāhāhā!
翻譯 Translation
Qingqing: I’m going to eat a little more at lunch today, otherwise, I might not be full in the evening.
Huahua: Why? Why wouldn’t you be full?
Qingqing: Today is the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, which is “Renri.” Traditionally, married daughters are supposed to go back home to deliver longevity noodles to their parents, and it’s best if the noodles are vegetarian. My sister will come back and only eat vegetarian noodles, so I’ll probably be hungry soon.
Huahua: This is the first time I’ve heard of “Renri”! How did it come about?
Qingqing: The elders say that Nuwa created humans on the seventh day, so today is like the “birthday” of each one of us. Happy birthday!
Huahua: Happy birthday to you, too. Hey, what did Nuwa do on the first six days?
Qingqing: According to the sequence, she created the chicken, dog, pig, sheep, ox and horse. They all arrived in this world before us, which is also why it’s best to eat vegetarian food today.
Huahua: That’s really interesting. I’m going to buy a cake after work to celebrate humanity’s birthday, haha.
生詞 Vocabulary
1. 大年初七 (Dànián chūqī) the seventh day of the Lunar New Year
2. 人日節 (Rénrì jié) People’s Day, Day of Humankind
3. 長壽 (chángshòu) longevity, having a long life
4. 素 (sù) vegetarian, plant-based
5. 老一輩 (lǎoyíbèi) the older generation
6. 女媧 (Nǚwā) Nuwa, the goddess in Chinese mythology who created humans and repaired the heavens.
7. 順序 (shùnxù) order, sequence
8. 人類 (rénlèi) humankind, humanity, human beings
教材音檔 Audio Files
By National Tsing Hua University Chinese Language Center:
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