Despite advancements in bicycle security, millions of bicycles are stolen every year. A revolutionary bicycle lock, called “SKUNKLOCK,” takes a proactive approach to deterring thieves. __1__, SKUNKLOCK releases a noxious chemical that could cause would-be thieves to vomit and effectively discourages them from continuing their efforts to steal the bicycle.
While conventional locks can be defeated by determined thieves using specialized tools, SKUNKLOCK’s dual approach of physical resistance and chemical deterrence is highly effective, making it a formidable __2__ against bike theft. The U-lock is made of high-tensile carbon steel, which can withstand attempts to break it using brute force. However, if a thief manages to break the lock, the pressurized chemical gas within is released, triggering an immediate and __3__ sensation of nausea, which may cause vomiting. This will reduce the likelihood of successful theft.
Some might have concerns about the safety of its chemical deterrent, but there is no need to worry. The noxious substances are not lethal and will not cause the thieves permanent harm. In addition, the chemicals are securely sealed within a hollow space throughout the lock. They won’t be released __4__ someone tries to cut through the lock with an angle grinder.
PhotoS: AdobeStock I 照片:AdobeStock
Another concern expressed by potential users of SKUNKLOCK is the fear that their bike will be left smelling like vomit after the chemical is released. The manufacturer, however, claims that there is an antidote that can __5__ the foul smell. This innovative approach to bike security makes SKUNKLOCK a promising solution for cyclists looking to protect their bikes from theft.
儘管鞏固單車安全的方式有許多進展,每年還是有幾百萬輛單車失竊。有一種可以主動阻撓小偷的革命性單車鎖 ── 臭鼬鎖。顧名思義,臭鼬鎖會釋放出一種有毒化學物質,可以讓欲偷車的小偷嘔吐,並勸退他們繼續嘗試偷竊單車。
PhotoS: AdobeStock I 照片:AdobeStock
What Did You Learn?
1. (A) For the time being (B) As its name suggests
(C) On the other hand (D) In its current state
2. (A) opponent (B) defendant (C) applicant (D) protest
3. (A) exotic (B) fabulous (C) overwhelming
(D) compulsory
4. (A) right after (B) even if (C) lest (D) unless
5. (A) motivate (B) eliminate (C) stimulate
(D) accommodate
答案:1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B
Words in use
1. revolutionary a. 創新的,革命性的
The invention of the smartphone was a revolutionary development in the 21st century.
2. deter vt. 阻止,阻撓
The dog’s bark deters strangers from getting close.
3. vomit vi. 嘔吐 & n. 嘔吐物
The child vomited after eating too much candy.
? There’s a smell of vomit in my car. It’s terrible.
4. conventional a. 傳統的
The conventional approach to education focuses on lectures and exams.
5. specialized a. 專業的,專門的
Xavier used specialized equipment to conduct the experiment.
Practical Phrases
1. takes a(n) + Adj. + approach to N/V-ing 採用……的方法來……
We need to take a different approach to solving this problem.
2. discourage sb from V-ing
Speed bumps are set to discourage people from speeding.
3. look to V 打算∕想要(做)……
Nick is looking to invest in real estate.
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