疫情期間,許多國家的課程改成網路授課,或用直播、或用預錄的方式,考驗老師對科技的熟悉程度。台灣教育部則推動「安心就學」方案,讓無法返校就學的學生,可以利用實時授課或線上課程修課。有讀者詢問,「安心就學」的英語應該怎麼說、怎麼翻譯比較適合。是Study at Ease Project好,還是Project of Reassured Study比較合適?
我認為「安心就學」方案,可譯為:Stay Home Stay Safe Study Program。「就學」一詞就是study,言簡意賅;而「安心」,則不必試著直翻,而是將此專案的內涵翻譯出來較為恰當,也就是──待在家、安全地學習。此外,六個字中有四個字是S開頭,押頭韻(alliteration),唸起來比較鏗鏘有力。相關用語也可以在國外見到,比如加拿大有針對偏遠地區原住民有類似的「在家就學」方案(Stay at Home Learning Program)。
Ms. Massie: We have a very active stay-at-home learning program. Some of them are doing long-distance education right in the home.
Photo: Bookman l 照片:書林提供
(Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoplessencanada.ca)
A project represents a single, focused endeavor. A program is a collection of projects – together all the projects form a connected package of work. The different projects complement each other to assist the program in achieving its overall objectives.
(“What is a Program in Project Management?,” Wrike)
暫停或延後大型集會 postpone or suspend mass gatherings
延遲開學 to postpone back to school
確診病例 confirmed case / 疑似病例 suspected case
零星病例 sporadic case / 指標病例 benchmark case
二代病例 second-generation case /本土病例 domestic case
境外移入病例 imported case / 首例 primary case
零號病人 patient zero
隱性感染者 subclinically infected person
指示病例 index case
超級傳播者 super spreader
高危險群 high-risk population
帶原者 virus carrier / 無症狀帶原者 asymptomatic carrier
蘇正隆 — 台灣翻譯學學會前理事長、師大翻譯研究所兼任副教授; 編著《英語的對與錯》,《世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙》...等
Renhe sat stiffly at the Wei Ya banquet, picking at the symbolic dishes on the table. Fish for abundance, sticky rice cake for progress — it all seemed superstitious to him. The shrine to the Land God near the entrance, adorned with offerings, incense, and fruit, struck him as frivolous. “What does this have to do with running a business?” Renhe scrolled on his phone as his co-workers performed skits and poorly sung songs. He wasn’t even paying attention to the lucky draws when his name was called. The room filled with applause and cheers as he went to the stage
The cocoa industry is currently facing a crisis, with this year’s cocoa trading price soaring to an unprecedented $10,000 per ton—a 400 percent increase from last year—stemming from diminished crop yields. Given cocoa’s indispensable role in chocolate-making, this surge has driven up chocolate prices and triggered concerns about the sustainability of global chocolate production. West Africa, home to over half of the world’s cocoa trees, is at the center of this issue. The Republic of Cote d’Ivoire and the Republic of Ghana, in particular, are facing severe challenges from both natural disasters and human-induced factors, substantially impacting cocoa harvests. Climate change, with
A: What were the highest-grossing films globally last year? B: “Inside Out 2” was the highest, followed by “Deadpool & Wolverine,” “Despicable Me 4,” “Dune: Part 2” and “Moana 2.” A: “Inside Out 2” was also the highest-grossing film in Taiwan. B: It grossed nearly US$1.7 billion worldwide, or NT$55 billion, becoming the best-selling animated film of all time. A: I can’t believe I missed the movie last year. A: 去年全球最賣座的電影有哪些? B: 冠軍是《腦筋急轉彎2》,其後是《死侍與金鋼狼》、《神偷奶爸4》、《沙丘:第2部》、《海洋奇緣2》。 A: 《腦2》也是去年台灣票房冠軍耶。 B: 這部鉅片狂賣近17億美元,約550億台幣,成為全球影史最賣座動畫電影! A: 真不敢相信我錯過了這部強片。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: In addition to “Inside Out 2” at the top, what were the other highest-grossing films domestically last year? B: “Gatao: Like Father, Like Son” was the only Taiwanese movie among the top 10 blockbusters, which included five animated films. A: I’m surprised that the Taiwanese hit “The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon” wasn’t on the chart. B: But it grossed over 500 million Chinese yuan in China, which is nearly NT$2.5 billion. The figure was five times higher than that of the best-selling film in Taiwan. A: Its success shows that Taiwanese movies should go international. A: