Renhe sat stiffly at the Wei Ya banquet, picking at the symbolic dishes on the table. Fish for abundance, sticky rice cake for progress — it all seemed superstitious to him. The shrine to the Land God near the entrance, adorned with offerings, incense, and fruit, struck him as frivolous. “What does this have to do with running a business?” Renhe scrolled on his phone as his co-workers performed skits and poorly sung songs. He wasn’t even paying attention to the lucky draws when his name was called.
The room filled with applause and cheers as he went to the stage where his manager respectfully held the red envelope in both hands. With a warm smile, he presented it to Renhe with the words, “May you have abundance every year.” Renhe accepted with a slight bow. At his seat, he peeked inside. Only NT$2,000. Not much “abundance.”
The CEO’s speech followed. “. . .we also thank the Land God.” Renhe rolled his eyes. “He sustains our land, our team, our shared effort. Showing gratitude reminds us that we don’t succeed alone. So, thank you all. Happy New Year and may you all have prosperity and good health.” Renhe rubbed the red envelope between his fingers and appreciated its smooth texture.
Photo: AI 照片:AI
On his way to his scooter, he passed a woman in a tattered jacket sitting on a dirty blanket. He stopped and then took out the red envelope. He smoothed out the folds, respectfully held the red envelope in both hands, and presented it to her. Startled, she looked at the envelope. And then suspiciously at Renhe. She slowly took it and opened it. Her face softened and her eyes grew wide. She looked into Renhe’s eyes and tears flowed down her cheeks. No words needed to be said. Renhe smiled in return. For the first time that night — perhaps ever — Renhe felt truly grateful.
Epilogue 故事討論
Renhe’s story reflects the heart of “Wei Ya,” a Chinese tradition that is especially prominent in Taiwan and traditionally held on the 16th day of the 12th lunar month. It began as a farmer’s ritual to honor Tu Di Gong, the Land God, for protecting the land and sustaining the people on it. Today, it is a time for companies to thank employees and reflect on the year’s success and is held sometime before the lunar New Year. At a Wei Ya, banquet tables are usually filled with symbolic dishes — fish and sticky rice cake (see explanation in Idioms section). Employers give red envelopes as tokens of gratitude and blessing.
Renhe saw it all as superstition, an outdated tradition with no place in modern business. But that changed when he handed his red envelope to a homeless woman. Her tears moved him in a way the banquet had not. For the first time, he understood: Wei Ya is not about rituals or rewards. It is about connection and gratitude. In Taiwan, Wei Ya bridges old and new. It reminds us that success is shared, that kindness strengthens us, and that giving back can be its own reward.
仁和的故事反映了「尾牙」的真諦。尾牙是華人的一種傳統,在台灣尤為盛行,傳統上會在農曆12月16日舉行。它起源於農民向土地公祈求保佑土地、養育人民的儀式。如今,它已成為公司感謝員工、回顧一年成就的時刻,通常在農曆新年前舉行。 傳統尾牙的餐桌上通常擺滿了象徵性的菜餚,例如魚和年糕(見下文解釋)。雇主會發放紅包作為感恩和祝福的禮物。
Vocabulary 單字片語
1. Wei Ya (banquet) 尾牙(宴會)
2. red envelope 紅包
3. Land God 土地公
4. shrine 神壇、神社、聖祠
5. gratitude 感恩
6. symbolic 象徵的
7. abundance 大量、豐富、富足
8. blessing 祝福
9. sticky rice cake 年糕
Idioms 相關成語
1. 新年快樂 (Xīn Nián Kuài Lè)
Happy New Year
2. 富貴安康 (Fù Guì Ān Kāng)
May you have prosperity and good health.
3. 年年有餘 (Nián Nián Yǒu Yú)
May you have abundance every year. Refers to the dish of fish (Yu, 魚), as the word “魚” sounds like “餘” (abundance) in Chinese. Serving fish at Wei Ya symbolizes the hope for surplus and prosperity in the coming year.
4. 步步高升 (Bù Bù Gāo Shēng)
May you rise step by step. Refers to sticky rice cake (Nian Gao, 年糕), as the word “糕” (cake) sounds like “高” (rise). The dish is a symbol of progress and promotion in life and career.
Nigel P. Daly is a writer with a language learning newsletter called Chin-glish bilingual lab (
Cynthia Chen is a translator and writer specializing in blogs, scripts and articles.
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