Operating theater nurse Kenza Benour trains with boxer Hassan N’Dam at VSG hospital on the outskirts of Paris on Wednesday. (AP)
(May 30, 2020)
Photo: CNA l 圖片 : 中央社
說明中的 operating theater 就是指「手術室」,不是 *演出中的劇院。
以下這篇文章,提到 2020 年英國因為新冠肺炎病人多到難以招架,有一家醫院甚至把 all its theaters 都改裝,以容納大量湧入的新冠肺炎病人。
The UK health system is so overwhelmed that a hospital is converting all its theaters for coronavirus patients, and nurses have panic attacks because they can’t cope with the stress.
(Mia Jankowicz, Business Insider , April 7, 2020)
文中出現的 theaters,也不是指劇院,而是「手術室」。
Give an “extra clap” tonight for operating theatre staff during Covid-19 crisis
(Steve Ford, Nursing Times , May, 14, 2020)
手術室為什麼叫 operating theater?因為19世紀之前,為方便醫學教育,手術室通常都模仿古希臘劇場,設計成階梯狀,方便醫學生觀摩學習,因此得名。
我自己曾經進過手術室,2018 年 7 月我做了一個疝氣修補 (hernia repair) 的腹腔鏡手術 (laparoscopy)。離開手術室兩三個小時後,已經能從輪床 (gurney) 勉強翻身,移到自己的病床 (ward bed)。
腹腔鏡手術 (Laparoscopic Surgery) 又稱「微創手術」minimally invasive surgery (MIS), keyhole surgery,或 band aid surgery, 通過腹部開幾個 0.5 至 1.5 cm大小的小切口 (incision),做為端口 (port),插入套管針 (trocar)、腹腔鏡 (laparoscope)、光源導管 (fiber optic cable system) 和其他外科工具,接者打入二氧化碳氣體,撐開腹腔進行手術。它比傳統的開腹手術,痛苦少,恢復快。
最後要提醒的是英文的 theater of operations 和 operating theater(手術室)很像,但是卻是指「戰區」。譬如第二次世界大戰,「太平洋戰區」叫 WWII
Pacific theater of operations。此外,THAAD 薩德反飛彈系統(終端高空防禦飛彈),早期稱為戰區高空防禦飛彈 (formerly Theater High Altitude Area Defense),其中的 theater 也是指「戰區」。
味/嗅覺異常 abnormal sense of smell and taste
味/嗅覺喪失 loss of smell and taste
輕症 mild case
重症 severe case
肺浸潤 pulmonary infiltrate
潛伏期 incubation period
無症狀潛伏期 asymptomatic incubation period
免疫風暴(細胞激素風暴) cytokine storm(就是人體的免疫系統過度反應,出現防禦過當的情況,嚴重會導致死亡。)
蘇正隆 — 台灣翻譯學學會前理事長、師大翻譯研究所兼任副教授; 編著《英語的對與錯》,《世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙》...等
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As December arrives, the festive spirit permeates the air. Streets and alleys are decorated with twinkling lights, shop windows display seasonal goods, and charming Christmas markets attract eager anticipation. The origins of Christmas markets can be traced back to the late Middle Ages in the German-speaking regions of Europe. Initially, these markets were held to help people stock up on meat and winter essentials. By the 14th century, craftsmen such as toy makers and basket weavers sold small items that served as Christmas gifts. Over time, this tradition evolved into the Christmas markets we know today. In Denmark, Copenhagen’s Tivoli Gardens transforms
A: With this year drawing to an end, Yahoo Kimo announced the 2024 “Taiwan Top 10 News.” B: Nvidia founder Jensen Huang caused a sensation this year, which was impressive. A: You got it. Huang’s sensation is at No. 8. B: What other major news events are on the list? A: The Central Bank’s strict housing loan, the invasion of Sudan-red tainted chili powder, the legislative power expansion controversy, and Polam Kopitiam restaurant’s food poisoning outbreak are at No. 10, 9, 7 and 6 respectively. A: 今年即將結束,Yahoo奇摩近日公布了2024年「台灣10大新聞」。 B: 今年輝達創辦人黃仁勳掀起一陣旋風,令人印象深刻! A: 答對了,黃仁勳旋風在第8名。 B: 還有哪些大新聞上榜? A: 第10名︰央行最嚴限貸令、第9名︰蘇丹紅侵台、第7名︰國會擴權爭議、第6名︰寶林茶室中毒。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: What other events are also on Yahoo-Kimo’s 2024 “Taiwan Top 10 News?” B: No. 5 to 3 are: more typhoons hit Taiwan, the 2024 presidential election, and a series of corruption scandals. A: And the sports fever triggered by the Paris Olympics, as well as Taiwan’s victory in the WBSC Premier 12 championship touched us all. B: That took the second spot, while the massive Hualien earthquake on April 3 took the top spot. A: The giant, magnitude 7.2 quake was absolutely horrific. A: 根據Yahoo奇摩公布的2024年「台灣10大新聞」,還有哪些大新聞上榜? B: 第5名︰颱風接力侵台、第4名︰總統大選、第3名︰貪污連環爆。 A: 巴黎奧運、棒球12強掀起的運動熱也很令人感動。 B: 這是第2名,第1名則是403花蓮強震! A: 那場規模7.2的地震真的好可怕。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)