A symphony of roaring engines fills the air as the red lights vanish, propelling the Formula 1 cars into a furious rush. The competition on the track is fierce, but the battle for a seat on the grid begins long before the first race. Below Formula 1 are several series designed to nurture talent and prepare drivers for the ultimate challenge.
Formula 1 (F1)
Formula 1, often abbreviated as F1, is the most historic and prestigious form of motorsport, with its origins dating back to the first Grand Prix in 1946. Each team in F1 is responsible for designing its own chassis, which forms the car’s structural base. Although teams do not manufacture their own engines, they can select from four suppliers. Notably, all teams must use tires from a single, exclusive manufacturer, but they can opt for different compounds depending on their needs.
Photo: AdobeStock 照片:AdobeStock
一級方程式賽車 ── 通常簡稱 F1 ── 是歷史最悠久、最負盛名的賽車運動形式,起源可追溯至 1946 年第一屆大獎賽。每個 F1 的團隊負責設計自己車隊的車身底盤(其形成了車輛結構的底座)。雖然車隊不自製引擎,但可從四個供應商中進行選擇。值得注意的是,所有車隊都必須使用單一獨家製造商的輪胎,但他們可以視自己的需求選擇不同的配方(編按:指製造輪胎時所使用的各種化學材料和橡膠的混合比例,這些配方決定了輪胎的性能特徵)。
Photo: AdobeStock 照片:AdobeStock
To be continued tomorrow(明日待續)
Words in Use
Photo: AdobeStock 照片:AdobeStock
1. abbreviate A as B 把 A 簡稱∕縮寫為 B
abbreviate vt. 簡稱,縮寫
The World Health Organization can be abbreviated as WHO. 世界衛生組織可簡稱為 WHO。
Many people abbreviate the United States of America as USA. 許多人將美利堅合眾國縮寫成 USA。
2. opt for... 選擇……
Instead of the regular route, the driver opted for a scenic road. 那位駕駛選擇走風景優美的道路,而不是尋常路線。
3. depending on... 視……而定,取決於……
The schedule can change depending on the weather conditions. 行程可能會變動,取決於天候狀況。
Practical Phrases
1. propel vt. 驅使
Ambition and hard work can propel an individual to success.
2. nurture vt. 培育,養育
Schools play a crucial role in nurturing young minds.
3. ultimate a. 終極的,極限的
The ultimate challenge for the climbers is reaching the summit of Mount Everest.
聽文章朗讀及講解: https://ivy.pse.is/455bfu
本文出自常春藤解析英語雜誌: www.ivy.com.tw
US president-elect Donald Trump has said he plans to end birthright citizenship as part of his promised crackdown on immigration when he becomes president on Jan. 20. Below is a look at US birthright citizenship and Trump’s legal authority to restrict it. WHAT IS BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP? Anyone born in the United States is considered a citizen at birth, which derives from the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment, which was added to the Constitution in 1868. The amendment states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the
As December arrives, the festive spirit permeates the air. Streets and alleys are decorated with twinkling lights, shop windows display seasonal goods, and charming Christmas markets attract eager anticipation. The origins of Christmas markets can be traced back to the late Middle Ages in the German-speaking regions of Europe. Initially, these markets were held to help people stock up on meat and winter essentials. By the 14th century, craftsmen such as toy makers and basket weavers sold small items that served as Christmas gifts. Over time, this tradition evolved into the Christmas markets we know today. In Denmark, Copenhagen’s Tivoli Gardens transforms
A: With this year drawing to an end, Yahoo Kimo announced the 2024 “Taiwan Top 10 News.” B: Nvidia founder Jensen Huang caused a sensation this year, which was impressive. A: You got it. Huang’s sensation is at No. 8. B: What other major news events are on the list? A: The Central Bank’s strict housing loan, the invasion of Sudan-red tainted chili powder, the legislative power expansion controversy, and Polam Kopitiam restaurant’s food poisoning outbreak are at No. 10, 9, 7 and 6 respectively. A: 今年即將結束,Yahoo奇摩近日公布了2024年「台灣10大新聞」。 B: 今年輝達創辦人黃仁勳掀起一陣旋風,令人印象深刻! A: 答對了,黃仁勳旋風在第8名。 B: 還有哪些大新聞上榜? A: 第10名︰央行最嚴限貸令、第9名︰蘇丹紅侵台、第7名︰國會擴權爭議、第6名︰寶林茶室中毒。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
有讀者問 「無薪假」和「留職停薪」的英文如何區別?兩者似乎都是 unpaid leave? 「無薪假」又稱「減班休息」。指企業獲利縮減,導致必須縮減勞方工時,資方 (management) 不支付勞方 (employees) 休假期間的工資。 不景氣時企業可以選擇「遇缺不補」(attrition), 避免「裁員」 (reducing jobs through natural attrition rather than forcing cuts through layoffs),更嚴重時的措施則是放「無薪假」(furlough)。 出國進修、育嬰假等的「留職停薪」是 unpaid leave (of absence),是個人的選擇。因事故遭「留職停薪」調查,則是 administrative leave without pay 或 unpaid administrative leave. 裁員時資方在說:I am sorry I have to let you go.(抱歉,我必須請你走路。)的同時也得準備一筆 severance pay(遣散費)。 如果你離職時公司額外給你一個大紅包,叫做 golden handshake。 A golden handshake is a substantial sum of money given to an employee when they leave their job, usually as a reward for long service or good work. It can also be given to entice an employee to retire early. 不過「黃金握手」也有可能你太資深,薪水太高,公司希望你早點退休。 防疫必備詞彙:疫後經濟 無薪假 furlough 遇缺不補 downsizing through attrition 重點工作者 essential worker; key worker 防疫旅遊 pandemic-safe travel 防疫新生活 new pandemic-safe life (旅遊)踩線團 fam trip (familiarization trip) 重振國旅、安心旅遊