The vast ocean stages countless miracles of life, but none are quite as awe-inspiring as the phenomenon of a “whale fall.” When a giant whale reaches the end of its life, its immense body gently descends and eventually lands in the inky abyss. This moment, which might seem like the end, ignites a burst of new life on the ocean floor.
Deep beneath the ocean’s surface, where sunlight is unable to venture and nutrients are scarce, a whale fall is like an oasis in a barren landscape. Over decades, even centuries, the remains of a single whale can sustain thousands of organisms, from bacteria to larger marine creatures. This process not only supports the complex food web, but also enriches the biodiversity of the deep sea.
Throughout their lives, whales absorb an average of 33 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, storing it within their bodies, much like the great trees of the forest. When a whale perishes and sinks to the ocean floor, the absorbed carbon goes down with it. If undisturbed, this carbon can remain sequestered for hundreds or even thousands of years, playing a significant role in combating global warming.
Photo: Freepik 照片:Freepik提供
However, human interference, through commercial whaling and habitat disruption, has led to a rapid decline in whale populations. This not only threatens the whale fall rate and geographical distribution, but also endangers species that rely solely on these carcasses for survival. Moreover, the reduction in carbon storage is equivalent to cutting down millions of large trees, magnifying the climate crisis.
It is imperative that we advocate for the protection of whales by supporting whale conservation efforts and promoting sustainable practices. This is not just because they are wise and beautiful animals, but because in death, they leave behind a valuable gift for our world.
inky adj. 漆黑的
abyss n. 深淵
biodiversity n. 生物多樣性
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
sequester vt. 封存
whaling n. 捕鯨
carcass n. 屍體;殘骸
remains n. 遺骸;殘餘物(恆用複數)
feces n. 糞便(恆用複數)
phytoplankton n. 浮游植物
ignite v. 點燃;激發
1. descend v. 下降
As the sun began to set, temperatures started to descend rapidly in the desert.
2. oasis n. 綠洲
The tired travelers were relieved to find an oasis in the middle of the vast desert.
3. barren adj. 貧瘠的
The astronauts landed on a barren planet with no signs of water or life.
4. perish vi. 死亡;毀滅
The ancient civilization perished when a severe drought lasted for several decades.
5. interference n. 干涉;阻礙
Kelly started to resent her mother’s constant interference in her marriage.
6. geographical adj. 地理的
The geographical features of a region often influence its climate and natural resources.
7. solely adv. 僅僅;單獨地
The charity relies solely on donations from the public to fund its important community projects.
8. magnify vt. 加強;放大
Stress tends to magnify small problems, making them seem much worse than they really are.
9. imperative adj. 必要的;緊急的
The doctor emphasized that it was imperative for the patient to take the medication as prescribed.
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