In the world of DIY and crafts, creating terrariums has emerged as a popular trend. Whether you have a spacious garden or a compact apartment, anyone can enjoy the beauty of nature at their fingertips with these miniature gardens. But what are terrariums, and why have they taken the world by storm?
A terrarium is a sealed glass container that supports plant growth without daily watering. This concept was first developed in the 19th century by Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward, an English botanist. While experimenting, Ward accidentally discovered that ferns could grow well in a sealed jar. This observation led to the creation of the Wardian Case, an early type of terrarium that changed the way plants are transported worldwide. The principle involves utilizing a simple but effective water cycle. Water in the soil is absorbed by the plant roots and then released from the leaves. It gathers on the glass and drips back into the soil, allowing plants to thrive with minimal care.
Today, building a terrarium combines creativity with scientific principles. Start by choosing a clear glass container with a wide opening. At the bottom, layer stones or pebbles to help water to drain, and then add activated charcoal to maintain a clean environment. Next, put in moist soil and select plants suited for humid conditions, such as ferns or moss. Incorporate decorations like rocks, wood, or small statues to make your terrarium your own. Finally, place it in an area with indirect sunlight and watch as it transforms into a source of natural beauty.
Photo: Pexels 照片:Pexels
Besides their visual appeal, terrariums offer substantial benefits. Research has confirmed the positive psychological effects of nature and gardening. Assembling a terrarium is healing, aiding in stress relief and improving mental health. This process also sparks creativity and allows for personal expression. Additionally, terrariums serve as practical demonstrations of ecological principles, teaching valuable lessons about plant care and ecology.
Building a terrarium is an accessible project for everyone and ideal for today’s busy lifestyles thanks to their low-maintenance nature. So why not join the terrarium trend? Release your creativity and enjoy the satisfaction of growing your very own miniature oasis.
在 DIY 和手工藝的世界中,製作生態瓶已成為一種備受喜愛的趨勢。無論你擁有寬敞的花園還是小巧的公寓,任何人都可以透過這些微型花園隨時享受自然之美。但究竟什麼是生態瓶,它們為何風靡全球呢?
生態瓶是一種密封的玻璃容器,能夠在不需要每天澆水的情況下支持植物生長。這個概念最早由英國植物學家納撒尼爾.巴格肖.華德在 西元 19 世紀提出。在實驗中,華德意外發現蕨類植物在密封的罐子裡也能良好生長。這一觀察促成了華德箱的誕生,這是一種改變了全球植物運輸方式的早期生態瓶。其原理涉及利用一個簡單卻有效的水循環。土壤中的水分被植物根部吸收,然後從葉子釋放出來。水分聚集在玻璃上,再滴回土壤中,讓植物在最少的照顧下茁壯成長。
botanist n. 植物學家
fern n. 蕨類植物
pebble n. 卵石
activated charcoal 活性碳
moss n. 苔蘚
incorporate v. 包含;加上
oasis n. 綠洲
1. spacious adj. 寬敞的
compact adj. 小巧的;緊湊的
Jenson sold his tiny apartment and bought a spacious house in the countryside.
2. miniature adj. 微型的;微小的
minimal adj. 極小的;極少的
The architectural designer created a miniature model of the apartment.
3. observation n. 觀察(力);察覺
After his surgery, Ron spent the night in the hospital under the doctors’ observation.
4. creation n. 創造(物);作品
creativity n. 創意;創造性
The sweater you knitted is as beautiful as any painter’s creation.
5. thrive vi. 茁壯成長;繁盛
The forest thrives as it receives a lot of sun and rainfall.
6. decoration n. 裝飾(品);裝潢
Christmas is coming, so Liz is putting up decorations everywhere.
7. ecology n. 生態學;生態環境
ecological adj. 生態的;生態學的
Understanding the principles of ecology can help us improve environmental conservation efforts.
8. accessible adj. 可取得的;可到達的;易懂的
This charity makes technology more accessible to students by providing free computers to rural schools.
9. satisfaction n. 滿足;滿意
May’s satisfaction with her book report disappeared when she realized she had misspelled its title.
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A: My favorite K-pop superstar, Daniel Kang, will hold a concert at the Taipei Music Center. B: Wow, I’ve also been a fan since he debuted in 2017 as the “center” of the two-year limited boy group Wanna One. A: Since Daniel went solo in 2019, he has continued to shine internationally. B: When is his show taking place? A: It’s scheduled for March 1, which is my birthday. It’s the best birthday gift ever. A: 我最愛的韓星姜丹尼爾要在台北流行音樂中心開唱啦。 B: 哇,自他在2017年以2 年限定男團Wanna One「C位」出道時,我就 一直是他的粉絲。 A: 而他在2019 年單飛後,還是持續在國際上發光發熱。 B: 演唱會是哪天? A: 日期訂在3月1日,也是我的生日。這真是最好的生日禮物! (By Eddy Chang,
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