2020 年在新冠疫情籠罩下,口罩 (face masks/face covering) 成了日用必需品。疫情爆發初期,外科口罩製造原料「熔噴不織布」(melt-blown nonwoven fabric) 一度成為戰略管制品,也導致熔噴布國際價格飆漲。
「不織布」(nonwoven fabric),顧名思義,不似一般編織的紡織品,而是使用高壓黏合各種纖維所生成的布狀物,是口罩或抹布等的原料。不織布通常含有聚丙烯(polypropylene,簡寫
Photo/Graphic courtesy of Bookman 圖片:書林
PP)或聚乙烯(polyethylene,簡寫 PE)。「熔噴不織布」是在吹送熱風的同時將熔化的樹脂原料從噴嘴擠出,堆疊出極細小的連續纖維,最後形成布片,適合製成各種濾材。
「外科/醫用口罩」 (surgical face mask/medical mask),通常於進出醫院時配戴,是「三層不織布口罩」(nonwoven 3-layer face mask),外層是防潑水的不織布,可避免飛沫,中間是過濾層,能過濾細菌、病毒等細小物質,內層是可以吸水的材質,用途主要是吸收配戴者自己的口沫。
一般的布口罩多少也能擋住飛沫,進而降低感染風險,但防護力明顯不足,且須勤於清洗、消毒、晾乾;而 N95 口罩 (N95 respirator/N95 mask) 有最好的隔離效果,但容易使人呼吸困難;所以外科口罩還是最適合一般民眾配戴防疫,也有足以阻絕病毒的效果。
When used properly and in higher-risk settings, medical masks and respirator masks give better protection from COVID-19 infection than cloth masks.
此外,還有以伸縮性的聚氨酯泡棉 (Polyurethane, PU) 製作較美觀的、可清洗的「匹塔口罩」(pitta mask)。
Made with polyurethane, this mask is very light and comfortable. The texture makes it flexible and stretchable to match the shape of your face. It can be washed and reused repeatedly.
最後要提的是英文的 face mask 一詞是一詞多意的 blanket term,它可以指口罩,也可以指面膜或面罩。
社交距離 social distancing
額溫槍 forehead thermometer
耳溫槍 ear thermometer
紅外線體溫測量儀 infrared thermometer
體溫熱像儀 thermal imaging camera
乾洗手(劑)hand sanitizer
消毒濕巾 disinfecting wipes
個人防護裝備 personal protective equipment (PPE)
護目鏡 goggles
蘇正隆 — 台灣翻譯學學會前理事長、師大翻譯研究所兼任副教授; 編著《英語的對與錯》,《世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙》...等
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A: When is the Lantern Festival? B: The festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, which fell on Feb. 12 this year. A: Oh no! Did I miss the 2025 Taipei Lantern Festival? B: Yes, you did. But you can still go to the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan, which will run until this Sunday. A: Let’s go admire the exuberant lanterns. A: 元宵節到底是哪一天? B: 就是農曆1月15日啊,今年則落在國曆2月12日。 A: 喔不,我是不是錯過了2025台北燈節? B: 是的,但你還可以去桃園的2025台灣燈會,活動將持續至週日。 A: 那我們去欣賞豐富的花燈秀吧! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Every February, the small town of Ptuj in Slovenia comes alive with the vibrant celebration of its famous carnival. This festival, with its deep historical roots, is a cherished tradition where local residents come together to ward off the winter cold and embrace the arrival of spring. Participants dress up in furry costumes, transforming into kurenti, mythical monsters believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good fortune for the new year. Although the exact origins of the Ptuj carnival remain a mystery, it is firmly rooted in ancient Slavic and Illyrian cultures. The modern form of the carnival
A: What’s the theme of the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival’s main lantern? B: The theme is “Paradise,” and the main lantern is a snake-shaped “infinity” symbol that features a lighting show every half an hour. A: Cool, I heard that there are over 300 lanterns. B: There are even giant lanterns in the shape of Pikachu and some other popular Pokemon characters. A: Let’s go now. A: 2025台灣燈會主燈的主題是什麼? B: 主題是「無限樂園」!主燈的造型則是蛇形的數學「無限號」,主燈每半小時還有一次燈光秀。 A: 酷喔,聽說總共有300多件花燈作品。 B: 甚至還有皮卡丘和其他熱門寶可夢角色的巨型花燈呢。 A: 哇我們現在就出發吧! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)