中文的「縮寫」,英文有可能是 abbreviation, acronym, 或 initialism。英文的 abbreviation 則是個上位詞 (superordinate/hypernym),它包括 acronym 和 initialism。
acronym 和 initialism 有什麼區別呢?
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譬如 LASER 是雷射 (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) 的縮寫;NASA是美國航太總署 (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 的縮寫;OPEC 是石油輸出國家組織 (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 的縮寫;我們若把這些縮寫當一個字來唸,LASER 唸 /ˈleɪ•zər/,NASA 唸 /ˈnæs.ə/,OPEC 唸 /ˈoʊ.pek/,這樣的縮寫就是 acronym。
至於 initialism 則只是照縮寫後的個別字母唸:
FBI 是 Federal Bureau of Investigation(聯邦調查局)的縮寫,唸 F, B, I; CIA 是 Central Intelligence Agency(中央情報局)的縮寫,唸 C, I, A, 這樣的縮寫就是 initialism。
The abbreviation formed with initialism is not pronounced as a word, rather you say the individual letters, such as FBI & CIA.
世衛組織 2020 年 2 月 11 日宣布,為避免污名化特定地區 (to avoid references to a specific geographical location . . . aimed at preventing stigmatization),正式將新型冠狀病毒病 (2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease)命名為 COVID-19,並說明 CO 代表冠狀 (Corona),VI代表病毒 (virus),D 代表疾病 (disease)。
COVID-19 唸成 /koʊ.vɪd.naɪnˈtiːn/ ,而不是唸 C, O, V, I, D, 19,像這樣的縮寫,英文叫 acronym,不是 initialism。
台灣人熟悉的葉克膜 (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ECMO),最早引入台灣時,主要用於支持換心患者在接受心臟移植前,或心臟移植後的過渡期,暫時取代心臟功能。然而目前葉克膜已經廣泛用於需要短期心肺功能支持的病患身上。
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) uses a mechanical heart and lung to support the body and give a patient’s organs time to rest. ECMO does the work your heart and lungs would normally do to support your body when your own organs are too sick to do the job alone. ECMO, pronounced EK-moe, will not heal you. It simply allows your body time to heal on its own.
ECMO 唸 /ˈek-ˌmō/ ,不唸成 E, C, M, O,也是 acronym。
至於「應用程式」(Application) 的縮寫 App,應唸 /æp/,也是 acronym。台灣許多人喜歡以 initialism 的方式,唸成 A, P, P.,不符英文習慣。
另外,全球資訊網 (World Wide Web) 的縮寫 WWW,應以 initialism 的方式,讀作 W, W, W /’dʌblju dʌblju dʌblju/,不讀“triple W”。(Jerome Su, Nov. 20, 2024)
冠狀病毒 Coronavirus
新型冠狀病毒 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 Coronavirus Disease 2019
嚴重急性呼吸綜合症冠狀病毒2型 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
新型冠狀病毒病 COVID-19
致死率 case fatality rate (CFR)
世衛組織 World Health Organization (WHO)
蘇正隆 — 台灣翻譯學學會前理事長、師大翻譯研究所兼任副教授; 編著《英語的對與錯》,《世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙》...等
Despite being thoroughly prepared for the coming exam, Sarah couldn’t stop herself from thinking about what could go wrong on test day. So, she kept studying her textbooks again and again. Do you often find yourself caught in this same type of loop, endlessly thinking about scenarios? If so, you’re likely struggling with a common challenge: overthinking. Overthinking is a phenomenon in which individuals become trapped in a tangle of worries, continuously replaying past events in their mind or feeling uneasy about what the future holds. It’s like being stuck in a never-ending loop of negative thoughts that can prove challenging
A: Hey, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame just announced its latest inductees. B: Which superstars were inducted this year? A: The inductees included singers Cher, Mary J. Blige, Ozzy Osbourne and Peter Frampton. B: So, the legendary artist Cher was finally recognized. A: And Mary J., the “Queen of Hip-Hop Soul,” surely deserved the induction as well. A: 「搖滾名人堂」公布今年的入選名單了。 B: 有誰入選啊? A: 歌手雪兒、瑪麗布萊姬、奧茲奧斯朋、彼得佛萊姆頓都獲此殊榮! B: 78歲的傳奇藝人雪兒終於受到肯定啦。 A: 嘻哈靈魂樂皇后瑪麗J.也是實至名歸。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: Apart from singers Cher, Mary J. Blige, Ozzy Osbourne and Peter Frampton, who else was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? B: The other inductees were Kool and the Gang, Dave Matthews, Foreigner and A Tribe Called Quest. A: All four of those bands are awesome. B: Also, Dionne Warwick received an award for musical excellence. A: Wow! Isn’t she the late pop diva Whitney Houston’s cousin? They both have the greatest voices. A: 除了雪兒、瑪麗J.、奧茲奧斯朋、彼得佛萊姆頓,還有誰入選「搖滾名人堂」? B: 還有庫爾夥伴合唱團、大衛馬修樂團、外國人合唱團、探索一族。 A: 這4個樂團都很棒耶。 B: 狄昂華維克則榮獲「音樂卓越獎」! A: 哇,她不是已故天后惠妮休斯頓的表姊嗎?兩姊妹都是美聲天后。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
“Beep—beep—beep.” Your phone roars in the dead of night and wakes you up. Adrenaline surges as a low rumble shakes the pictures on the nightstand. Panic threatens, but you remember the earthquake drill you practiced. You drop to the ground, take cover under your desk, and hold on tight. Though the shaking intensifies, relief washes over you because you knew it was coming thanks to the warning. How do we get these precious seconds before an earthquake hits? Enter earthquake early warning systems, life-saving tools that provide a crucial head start for taking cover or evacuating. Operating through a network of