A: Apart from singers Cher, Mary J. Blige, Ozzy Osbourne and Peter Frampton, who else was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?
B: The other inductees were Kool and the Gang, Dave Matthews, Foreigner and A Tribe Called Quest.
A: All four of those bands are awesome.
Photo: AP 照片:美聯社
B: Also, Dionne Warwick received an award for musical excellence.
A: Wow! Isn’t she the late pop diva Whitney Houston’s cousin? They both have the greatest voices.
A: 除了雪兒、瑪麗J.、奧茲奧斯朋、彼得佛萊姆頓,還有誰入選「搖滾名人堂」?
B: 還有庫爾夥伴合唱團、大衛馬修樂團、外國人合唱團、探索一族。
A: 這4個樂團都很棒耶。
B: 狄昂華維克則榮獲「音樂卓越獎」!
A: 哇,她不是已故天后惠妮休斯頓的表姊嗎?兩姊妹都是美聲天后。
(By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Despite being thoroughly prepared for the coming exam, Sarah couldn’t stop herself from thinking about what could go wrong on test day. So, she kept studying her textbooks again and again. Do you often find yourself caught in this same type of loop, endlessly thinking about scenarios? If so, you’re likely struggling with a common challenge: overthinking. Overthinking is a phenomenon in which individuals become trapped in a tangle of worries, continuously replaying past events in their mind or feeling uneasy about what the future holds. It’s like being stuck in a never-ending loop of negative thoughts that can prove challenging
Wisdom teeth are another example of vestigial organs. Why do humans have wisdom teeth? One theory suggests that they were originally intended to help support muscles and tissues in the human face. Another theory indicates that they were initially meant to aid our ancestors in chewing certain tough foods that grew in the wild. As our diets have softened with processed foods, these teeth may become less necessary. Removing one’s wisdom teeth can feel like a rite of passage for many young adults. At some point in their late teens to early twenties, most people will have up to
Ford Motor Co. says it will reduce its workforce by 4,000 in Europe and the UK by the end of 2027, citing headwinds from the economy and pressure from increased competition and weaker than expected sales of electric cars. Ford said Wednesday last week most of the job cuts would come in Germany and would be carried out in consultation with employee representatives. Of the total, 2,900 jobs would be lost in Germany, 800 in Britain and 300 in other European Union countries. Ford has 28,000 employees in Europe, and 174,000 worldwide. “The global auto industry continues to be in a period of
Social Distancing 的“social” 是指什麼? 各國政府為了控制疫情,都提出寬嚴不一的social distancing 措施,所謂 social distancing,就是透過非藥物的感染控制手段 (nonpharmaceutical interventions) 隔離人群,避免、減少人際接觸,以減少感染機會,讓死亡率降到最低 (minimize disease transmission and mortality)。 Social distancing 最適用於會透過飛沫傳染 (droplet contact)、直接/間接接觸傳染 (direct/indirect physical contact) 以及空氣傳染 (airborne transmission) 的傳染病,因為將人群隔離、減少接觸,可以有效阻絕病毒傳播。具體的措施有:鼓勵人待在家、限制外出、外出時保持人與人之間的距離等。 但是,社會心理學也有一個很接近的術語 Social Distance(社會距離),應注意兩者不要混淆。 「社會距離」係指人與人、群體與群體之間的等級或關係親疏的程度。譬如生活在大都會的民眾,要接觸很多人,為保持自己心理的平衡,都市人不過分熱情,個體與外界保持距離,甚至鄰居互不往來。 Social distancing 是為了防止疾病傳播,保持(人際/社交)安全距離,social distancing 的 social一詞,指的是「人際」、「社交」,不宜直譯為「社會」。 另有少部分華文報導譯為「社交隔離」: 社交隔離值不值?剖析經濟學 vs. 流行病學的量化權衡 (2020 年4 月27 日,《華爾街日報》) 但如此一來,又容易與另一個心理學名詞 social isolation(社交隔離/社交孤立)搞混,所以不宜如此翻譯。 防疫必備詞彙:社交距離 社交距離 social distancing 避免人潮 avoid crowds 集中檢疫 collective quarantine 接觸者追蹤 contact tracing 遏制疫情 contain the epidemic 防疫破口 infection control breach 文章由書林出版公司提供: www.bookman.com.tw 蘇正隆 — 台灣翻譯學學會前理事長、師大翻譯研究所兼任副教授; 編著《英語的對與錯》,《世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙》...等