台灣利用「電子圍籬系統」有效追蹤 COVID-19 確診者及居家檢疫者的行蹤,深受國際誇讚,目前已有許多國家向台灣洽詢輸出。
台灣 2020 年 2 月完成「電子圍籬系統」,連結健保署與移民署資料庫。鑽石公主號短暫停泊台灣就駛往日本,疫情指揮中心與電信業者合作,利用手機訊號追蹤,一天內將三千多筆旅客資料追出來,抓出了 51 個北北基熱點,並匡列出郵輪乘客接觸的六十三萬人,發送簡訊示警。
據中央疫情指揮中心資訊組的說明, Google Map 使用 GPS 定位,誤差為 10 公尺,但電子圍籬系統採手機與「基地台」的距離定位,誤差約 50 公尺,郊區的誤差則更大,因此採用基地台定位較能保障隱私。
Photo/Graphic courtesy of Bookman l 圖片:書林
台灣的「電子圍籬系統」國外媒體路透社(Reuters)及福斯新聞 (Fox News) 都報導過:
Taiwan has also set up an “electronic fence” system that makes use of mobile telephones to alert police and authorities if those in home quarantine step out of bounds.
(Reuters, March 17, 2020)
The government in Taiwan—in an effort to suppress the spread of the coronavirus—has employed a so-called “electronic fence” that uses location tracking on mobile phones ...
(Fox News, March 20, 2020)
他們把「電子圍籬系統」譯為 electronic fence,但都加上引號,福斯新聞甚至刻意加上「所謂」兩個字 (so-called “electronic fence”),意味這是引用台灣媒體的講法,係比較特別、跟平常不一樣的說法。因為 electronic fence 平常是指用來限制狗活動範圍的裝置,見下述來自寵物用品商網站的文字:
. . . Should you buy a traditional physical fence made of wood or chain link? Or is a wireless or in-ground electronic fence better for your pet and yard?
(Gretchen Statz, PetSafe)
Electronic fence 有時也用來指「對空偵測系統」, Wikipedia 在介紹美國的 Space Detection and Tracking System(對空偵測系統)時提到:
The Air Force had a program . . . , which was a network of space-probing cameras and radar. The Navy had . . . a space surveillance system that was “an electronic fence” that protected the southern United States.
原先,我想也許可把「電子圍籬」譯為 electronic corralling,也問過一位美國編輯,她也說可以。不過透過網路搜尋不同的英語語料,發現 electronic corralling 主要還是用來拘限狗活動範圍,防止牠跑太遠或走失的裝置。
國家教育研究院有個「雙語詞彙審譯會」,在審譯會上,有委員建議把 electronic corralling 改為 geofencing,我們發現 Oxford 網路詞典對 geofencing 解釋得很清楚:
the use of GPS or RFID technology to create a virtual geographic boundary, enabling software to trigger a response when a mobile device enters or leaves a particular area.
因此審譯會無異議通過 geofencing 作為「電子圍籬」的英譯。
註:附圖中的 will be subjected to 與 will be subject to 有何不同? will be subject to 是「有可能」要接受採檢、居家檢疫等;will be subjected to 是「得/應」接受採檢、居家檢疫。
居家隔離 (government enforced) home quarantine
居家檢疫 (locally monitored) home quarantine
自主健康管理 self-monitoring (for COVID-19)
避免人潮 avoid crowds
電子圍籬 geofencing
個人隔離 quarantine of individuals
社交距離 social distancing
集中檢疫 collective quarantine
蘇正隆 — 台灣翻譯學學會前理事長、師大翻譯研究所兼任副教授; 編著《英語的對與錯》,《世紀病毒:必讀防疫英文知識與詞彙》...等
A: When is the Lantern Festival? B: The festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, which fell on Feb. 12 this year. A: Oh no! Did I miss the 2025 Taipei Lantern Festival? B: Yes, you did. But you can still go to the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan, which will run until this Sunday. A: Let’s go admire the exuberant lanterns. A: 元宵節到底是哪一天? B: 就是農曆1月15日啊,今年則落在國曆2月12日。 A: 喔不,我是不是錯過了2025台北燈節? B: 是的,但你還可以去桃園的2025台灣燈會,活動將持續至週日。 A: 那我們去欣賞豐富的花燈秀吧! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Every February, the small town of Ptuj in Slovenia comes alive with the vibrant celebration of its famous carnival. This festival, with its deep historical roots, is a cherished tradition where local residents come together to ward off the winter cold and embrace the arrival of spring. Participants dress up in furry costumes, transforming into kurenti, mythical monsters believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good fortune for the new year. Although the exact origins of the Ptuj carnival remain a mystery, it is firmly rooted in ancient Slavic and Illyrian cultures. The modern form of the carnival
A: What’s the theme of the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival’s main lantern? B: The theme is “Paradise,” and the main lantern is a snake-shaped “infinity” symbol that features a lighting show every half an hour. A: Cool, I heard that there are over 300 lanterns. B: There are even giant lanterns in the shape of Pikachu and some other popular Pokemon characters. A: Let’s go now. A: 2025台灣燈會主燈的主題是什麼? B: 主題是「無限樂園」!主燈的造型則是蛇形的數學「無限號」,主燈每半小時還有一次燈光秀。 A: 酷喔,聽說總共有300多件花燈作品。 B: 甚至還有皮卡丘和其他熱門寶可夢角色的巨型花燈呢。 A: 哇我們現在就出發吧! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
本文由生成式AI協作,本刊編輯編修。 Tucked away in southwestern Taiwan, Yunlin County is a treasure trove of cultural heritage, rich history, and natural beauty. From its stunning temples and glove puppetry to historical architecture and picturesque landscapes, Yunlin rewards those who venture off the beaten path. Yunlin is renowned for its flourishing temple culture. Temples in this region are not merely places of worship but also communal centers where people gather for festivals, rituals, and social functions. One of the most notable temples here is the Beigang Chaotian Temple, which was built more than 300 years ago and is dedicated to Matsu, the sea