A: Hey, what are you reading?
B: I’m reading TED CEO Chris Anderson’s book “Infectious Generosity: The Ultimate Idea Worth Spreading.”
A: What’s it about?
Photo: Liberty Times 照片:自由時報
B: It’s about K-pop supergroup BTS leading their fans, dubbed their “army,” around the world to do charity.
A: BTS is always good at spreading such positive infection through social media.
A: 你在看什麼書?
B: 我在看TED總裁克里斯安德生的新書《慷慨的感染力:在善良被低估的年代,讓善意泛起漣漪》。
A: 這本書是關於什麼呢?
B: 是韓流天團防彈少年團BTS帶動全球粉絲「ARMY」行善的故事。
A: 他們一向善於運用社群來擴大感染力!
(By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)