對話 Dialogue
清清:我弟剛剛傳訊息跟我說,他這個週末要去台北大佳河濱公園,參加S2O Taiwan潑水音樂節,他跟朋友早就把票買好了,可是沒告訴我,真可惡!
Qīngqing: Wǒ dì gānggāng chuán xùnxí gēn wǒ shuō, tā zhège zhōumò yào qù Táiběi Dàjiā Hébīn Gōngyuán, cānjiā S20 Taiwan Pōshuǐ Yīnyuèjié, tā gēn péngyǒu zǎojiù bǎ piào mǎi hǎole, kěshì méi gàosù wǒ, zhēn kěwù!
PHOTO COURTESY OF Pxhere / 照片:Pxhere 提供
Huáhua: Tā qiǎngdào piào lou? Nèìge huódòng chāo shòu niánqīng rén de huānyíng, néng mǎidào piào suàn tā lìhài!
Qīngqing: Wǒ yě háishì niánqīng rén a! Zhèìge jiéhé Tàiguó Pōshuǐjié de biǎoyǎn, shì zhòngliàng jí de yīnyuè pàiduì, hěn zhídé qù cháoshèng.
Huáhua: Nǐ dì quèshí búgòu yìsi, jìngrán dōu méi zhǎo nǐ yìqǐ qù. Búguò, nǐ zìjǐ méi zhùyì dào huódòng xùnxí, yě bù néng wánquán guài tā.
Qīngqing: Yěshì la! Jīnnián yǒu bùshǎo guójì dàkā lái yǎnchàng, Ōuměi de, Hánguó de, yěyǒu Táiwān yìrén, xiànchǎng yídìng huì hāi dào bào!
Huáhua: Nǐ jiù děng nǐ dì wán huílái gēn nǐ xuànyào ba! Bié jìdù tā o! Shéi jiào nǐ méi gēnshàng rénjiā?
Qīngqing: Wǒ cái bù gēn tā yìbānjiànshì ne! Fǎnzhèng wǒ yě bùxiǎng qù nòng de shīshī de, zhù tā búhuì yīncǐ ér gǎnmào! Heng!
Huáhua: Zhēn shòubùliǎo nǐ ei! Zuǐ zhème yìng! Hǎo la! Kuài xiāoxiāoqì, wǒmen qù chīfàn ba!
翻譯 Translation
Qingqing: My brother just messaged me saying he’s going to Dajia Riverside Park in Taipei this weekend to attend the S2O Taiwan Songkran Music Festival. He and his friends bought their tickets a while ago but didn’t tell me. How despicable of him!
Huahua: He managed to get tickets? That event is super popular among young people. It’s impressive he got them.
Qingqing: I’m still young too! This event, which combines Thailand’s Songkran festival with a major music party, is definitely worth attending.
Huahua: Your brother wasn’t very considerate not inviting you. But you can’t entirely blame him if you didn’t keep an eye on the event yourself.
Qingqing: True. There are a lot of international stars performing this year, from the US, Europe, South Korea, and even Taiwan. The atmosphere will be incredible.
Huahua: Just wait until your brother comes back and brags about it. Don’t be too jealous. It’s your fault for not paying attention.
Qingqing: I won’t stoop to his level. Besides, I don’t want to get all wet. I just hope he doesn’t catch a cold. Hmph.
Huahua: You’re unbelievable! So stubborn. Alright, calm down. Let’s go get something to eat.
生詞 Vocabulary
1. 潑水節 (Pōshuǐ Jié) Water Festival
2. 重量級 (zhòngliàng jí) heavyweight
3. 朝聖 (cháoshèng) pilgrimage
4. 夠意思 (gòu yìsi) nice enough, considerate enough
5. 大咖 (dàkā) [slang] big shot, bigwig
6. 炫耀 (xuànyào) show off
7. 不跟A一般見識 (bù gēn A yìbānjiànshì) [phrase] not stooping to A’s level, not engaging in A’s level of discourse
8. 嘴硬 (zuǐyìng) stubborn in words, tough-talking
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