If Taiwanese people want to get a small present to share with friends, the first thing they probably think of getting is some pineapple cakes. It’s not just an easy thing to buy: Taiwanese people really like to eat this square-shaped traditional pastry. It is also rich with symbolism as in Taiwanese Hokkien, “pineapple” is pronounced “onglai,” with “ong” meaning “prosperity” and “lai” meaning “to come.” So eating pineapple symbolizes the arrival of prosperity. This auspicious symbolism is one of the reasons pineapple cakes are so popular in Taiwan and often given as souvenirs.
pastry (n.) 糕餅,糕點
Photo: Flickr 照片:Flickr
souvenir (n.) 伴手禮;紀念品
Taiwan is said to be a “cornucopia of fruit,” and one of its representative fruits is the pineapple. The origin of using pineapple as a filling began in ancient times, when people gave a round pineapple cake as a wedding gift. This eventually evolved into the small, rectangle pineapple cakes that we see today. But decades ago, pineapples had tough fibers and were more acidic. To balance the flavor, Taiwanese bakers thought of adding winter melon jam to the pineapple jam as part of the filling. Winter melons have several advantages, including their easy availability, lower cost, density and delicate taste. But with the improvement of pineapple varieties, today’s pineapples are sweeter and less acidic, so one can find authentic “pineapple cakes” with only a slightly sour taste and thinner fiber.
cornucopia (n.) 聚寶盆;豐盛
fibers (n.) 纖維
acidic (n.) 酸的
Pineapple cakes have a crust made from low-gluten flour and butter, which is wrapped around condensed pineapple jam. The outer layer is crumbly, while the sweet filling has a fruity aroma. Pineapple cakes are often paired with tea, and many pineapple cake shops offer free samples of their cakes and hot tea for their customers to savor. One good option to pair with these cakes is the world-renowned oolong tea, which is half-fermented, providing an elegant aroma and a clear and bright tea liquor. The sweetness of the pineapple cakes and the fragrance of oolong tea complement each other, creating a wonderful taste.
crust (n.) 餅皮
tea liquor (n. phr.) 茶湯
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