There has been significant debate after Lisa, a member of the massively popular K-pop girl group BLACKPINK, performed in Paris’s Crazy Horse show in September 2023. Established in 1951, Crazy Horse has become a symbol of Parisian nightlife, renowned for its innovative performances. This cabaret, blending female nudity with complex lighting, elaborate sets and dance, walks a delicate line between artistic expression and risque content. Though such a stage may be accustomed to controversy, Lisa’s appearance has brought a new intensity to the discussion.
Critics, quick to express their disapproval, contend that Lisa’s participation in the show amplifies the issue of women’s objectification. Her decision sharply conflicts with BLACKPINK’s emphasis on female strength and self-reliance. Furthermore, critics claim her involvement in a show recognized for its erotic and seductive themes diminishes her status as a role model, especially among adolescent fans. Due to her association with the show, Lisa experienced significant consequences; not only was her official Weibo account blocked, but several brands she represented also withdrew their support, deleting any posts associated with her.
In contrast, advocates for artistic liberty and personal freedom praised Lisa for embracing creative diversity and challenging the conventional standards often imposed on female artists, especially in the K-pop industry. Acknowledging her creativity without moral judgments, they firmly support the notion that sovereignty over one’s body and choices warrants respect. Were society more forward-thinking, performances like these would be considered inspiring instead of demeaning.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons / 照片:維基共享資源提供
Although the world of art often conflicts with societal standards, the controversy surrounding Lisa extends beyond her individual involvement to broader societal perspectives on female autonomy and gender norms. This situation highlights that continuous, transparent, and respectful dialogues are of great importance in creating a more harmonious society.
廣受歡迎的韓國流行音樂女團 BLACKPINK的成員Lisa,於西元 2023 年9 月在巴黎瘋馬秀上表演後,引發廣泛爭論。瘋馬秀成立於西元 1951 年,已成為巴黎夜生活的象徵,以其創新表演聞名。這家歌舞表演場所將女性裸露與複雜的燈光、精心設計的舞台和舞蹈融合在一起,遊走在藝術展現與大尺度內容的邊緣。儘管這類舞台可能已習慣爭議,但Lisa的出現為討論帶來新的強度。
cabaret n. 有歌舞表演的餐廳或酒館;歌舞表演
nudity n. 裸體;裸露
risque adj. 有傷風化的;情色的
objectification n. 物化(指把人當成物品看待、使用)
erotic adj. 色情的
seductive adj. 誘惑的;誘人的
warrant vt. 值得;使有必要
demeaning adj. 貶低的;羞辱的
1. renowned adj. 著名的;有聲望的
Millions of tourists visit the area’s renowned temples each year.
2. accustomed adj. 習以為常的;習慣的
Dave is accustomed to fancy clothes, expensive hotels and rich food.
3. controversy n. 爭議;爭論
There is a great deal of controversy in the US over whether people should be allowed to own lots of guns. 美國存在著許多關於是否應該准許人們擁有大量槍枝的爭論。
4. amplify vt. 擴大;增強;放大(聲音)
The mother’s concerns for her son were amplified when he didn’t contact her for two weeks.
5. reliance n. 依賴;信任; self-reliance n. 自力更生;依靠自己
Your reliance on one technique makes your paintings look too similar; you should try some new styles.
6. adolescent adj. 青少年的;青春期的
The magazine is mostly aimed at adolescent readers, but some adults read it, too.
7. notion n. 觀念;看法
I don’t know where you got the notion that Dan and Doug are friends, because they actually hate each other.
8. sovereignty n. 主權;統治權
Several countries are fighting for sovereignty over the disputed islands.
9. perspective n. 觀點;想法
Jenny’s perspective on this problem would be worth hearing; she has experience with it. 珍妮對這個問題的看法值得一聽;她有相關經驗。
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A: Astrologer Ai Fei-er has just released his horoscope reading for this year. B: What do the stars tell us? A: Aries may be reborn through challenges, Tauruses should keep learning and Geminis will have double the good luck. B: Wow, so lucky. A: Cancers may see the light in the dark, Leos should conceal their ability and bide their time and Virgos will brave the wind and waves. A: 艾菲爾老師的2025年星座大預測出爐啦。 B: 今年各星座運勢如何? A: 「牡羊座」挑戰重生、「金牛座」學無止境、「雙子座」幸運倍增。 B: 真幸運! A: 「巨蟹座」柳暗花明、「獅子座」韜光養晦、「處女座」乘風破浪。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: And how about the other star signs? B: Libras can benefit from multiple perspectives, Scorpios will be tough as steel and Sagittariuses may travel around. A: Cool, what’s next? B: Capricorns may take the lead, Aquarius may start a new life and Pisces should be well prepared for action. A: I hope we’ll have a lot of good fortune in the Year of the Snake. A: 其他的星座運勢如何? B: 「天秤座」左右逢源、「天蠍座」百煉成鋼、「射手座」志在四方。 A: 還有呢? B: 「摩羯座」一馬當先、「水瓶座」脫胎換骨、「雙魚座」蓄勢待發。 A: 希望大家在蛇年能好運旺旺來! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)