Continued from yesterday(延續自昨日)
Thanks to the 20th century breakthroughs in portable music-playing devices, there are now lightweight headphones that are easy to carry around. People are now commonly seen walking while listening to music using headphones, which come in various designs to meet people’s different needs.
Photo: Ivy English I 照片:常春藤
The term headphones generally refers to a device that allows a single user to listen to an audio source privately. Specifically, headphones are a pair of small loudspeakers worn around the head over the ears. Modern headphones have soft earpads covering the loudspeakers, which not only provide comfort but also increase audio quality. These pads also help block out noises from outside and keep sounds produced by the headphones from being heard by others.
As audio systems became smaller, so did headphones. Some people now prefer tiny speakers called earphones. Inserted into the ear canal, earphones come with cushions and provide a more direct connection to the sound being played. A similar device called earbuds differs from earphones in that it lacks cushions. Lightweight and portable, earbuds—both wired and wireless—and earphones are most suitable for those who can’t live without music. However, they may be uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.
Headphones with different functions have also appeared. One example is headsets equipped with microphones that can be moved at will. Headsets are ideal for conducting online meetings and playing online games. Cutting-edge devices like bone-conduction headphones, which send sound waves through a wearer’s skull without covering the ears, have also amazed people. As audio technology continues to advance, it’s anyone’s guess how future generations will enjoy their music.
Photo: Ivy English I 照片:常春藤
正如音響系統變得更小,耳機也是如此。有些人現在偏好稱作入耳式耳機的微小喇叭。這種耳機可以插入耳道,有著墊子且提供了與播放的聲音更直接的連結。一款與入耳式耳機相似的裝置被稱為耳塞式耳機,不同之處在於沒有墊子。輕便又易攜帶的耳塞式耳機 —— 有有線款也有無線款 —— 以及入耳式耳機最適合沒有音樂就活不下去的人。但是長時間戴著這些耳機可能會覺得不舒服。
有著不同功能的耳機也出現了。一個例子是配備有可任意移動之麥克風的耳機麥克風。耳機麥克風適合進行線上會議以及玩線上遊戲。像是骨傳導耳機——透過穿戴者的頭骨傳遞聲波而不會覆蓋耳朵 —— 等最新的裝置也令人大為驚奇。隨著聲音科技持續發展,未來世代會如何享受音樂,誰也說不準。
What Did You Learn?
1. Which of the following is NOT true about headphones’ design?
(A) The first device that allowed people to listen independently was not portable.
(B) The DT 48 can be seen as an improved version of Baldwin’s design.
(C) Headphones nowadays are smaller than their original ones.
(D) Baldwin’s design looked like a medical instrument that doctors use today.
2. According to the Day 1 passage, who made headphones more comfortable on the ears?
(A) Nathaniel Baldwin (B) The US Navy (C) Eugen Beyer (D) John C. Koss
3. Which of the following statements is true regarding the devices mentioned in the passages?
(A) Earbuds are lighter than the Electrophone system.
(B) Earphones designs were adopted from the DT 48.
(C) Both headphones and earphones can fit inside the ear canal.
(D) The headphones that the Navy used in the 1900s were wireless.
答案:1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (A)
Words in Use
1. privately adv. 私下地
My brother told me privately that he broke our mother’s favorite vase.
2. comfort n. 舒適,舒服(不可數)
A blanket provides comfort on chilly days.
3. insert vt. 插入
insert A into / in B 將A插入B
Insert the key into the hole, and you can open the box.
4. cushion n. 墊子
The airplane seat comes with a soft cushion.
5. wired a. 有線的
wireless a. 無線的
A wired network uses cables to link devices.
Practical Phrases
1. come in... 有……(各種顏色、大小等)
This popcorn comes in various flavors.
2. meet one’s need 滿足∕符合某人的需求
The shop customizes shoes to meet buyers’ needs.
3. block out... / block... out 阻擋∕抑制……
Sunglasses block out the sun’s glare.
(Just) as + S + V, so + 倒裝句
As humans need nutrients to grow, so do plants require water and sunlight to thrive.
5. at will 任意地,隨意地
Employees at the company are free to schedule their tasks and take breaks at will.
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