E: Environmental
S: Social
Photo courtesy of National Geographic 照片:National Geographic 提供
G: Governance
ESG的話題已經逐漸普遍,曾幾何時人們還一度認為碳排放與氣候變遷並無關連,擔任聯合國和平大使(UN Messenger of Peace)的知名影星李奧納多(Leonardo DiCaprio)為此,拍攝了一部《洪水來臨前》(Before the Flood)紀錄片,號召各界專家站台,共同揭發地球暖化的原因與財團黑暗面,此片獲得相當廣大的迴響和討論。本文精選出幾段經典語錄與讀者分享,並從中學習重點單字,認識地球環境問題的同時,也順便精進英語。
“Before the Flood” (2016)
A look at how climate change affects our environment and what society can do to prevent the demise of endangered species, ecosystems and native communities across the planet. (IMDB)
Equivalent adj. 相同的
印度環境學家蘇尼塔.那雷恩博士(Sunita Narain)於紀錄片當中提到,當美國將二氧化碳排放過量的問題怪罪於開發中國家(如中國、印度等),美國自己本身必須認清一個事實,那就是對於多數印度人民而言,取得基本生活能源,遠比解決地球暖化問題更為要緊,而且美國人濫用能源的幅度,遠比印度人還要高出許多。
Electricity consumed by one American at home is equivalent to 1.5 citizens of France, 2.2 citizens of Japan and 10 citizens of China, 34 of India and 61 of Nigeria. The fact is we need to put the issue of lifestyle and consumption at the centre of climate negotiations.
Equivalent 的同義字為equal(相等的、相同的),描述A等同於B時為A is equivalent to B,例如:50 grams is equivalent to 0.05 kilograms.(50 克等同於0.05公斤)。介係詞搭配是多益常考題型,要注意。
To be continued next Sunday. . .(下週日待續……)
文章由TOEIC Program Taiwan · Chun Shin提供:
A: When is the Lantern Festival? B: The festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, which fell on Feb. 12 this year. A: Oh no! Did I miss the 2025 Taipei Lantern Festival? B: Yes, you did. But you can still go to the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan, which will run until this Sunday. A: Let’s go admire the exuberant lanterns. A: 元宵節到底是哪一天? B: 就是農曆1月15日啊,今年則落在國曆2月12日。 A: 喔不,我是不是錯過了2025台北燈節? B: 是的,但你還可以去桃園的2025台灣燈會,活動將持續至週日。 A: 那我們去欣賞豐富的花燈秀吧! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Every February, the small town of Ptuj in Slovenia comes alive with the vibrant celebration of its famous carnival. This festival, with its deep historical roots, is a cherished tradition where local residents come together to ward off the winter cold and embrace the arrival of spring. Participants dress up in furry costumes, transforming into kurenti, mythical monsters believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good fortune for the new year. Although the exact origins of the Ptuj carnival remain a mystery, it is firmly rooted in ancient Slavic and Illyrian cultures. The modern form of the carnival
A: What’s the theme of the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival’s main lantern? B: The theme is “Paradise,” and the main lantern is a snake-shaped “infinity” symbol that features a lighting show every half an hour. A: Cool, I heard that there are over 300 lanterns. B: There are even giant lanterns in the shape of Pikachu and some other popular Pokemon characters. A: Let’s go now. A: 2025台灣燈會主燈的主題是什麼? B: 主題是「無限樂園」!主燈的造型則是蛇形的數學「無限號」,主燈每半小時還有一次燈光秀。 A: 酷喔,聽說總共有300多件花燈作品。 B: 甚至還有皮卡丘和其他熱門寶可夢角色的巨型花燈呢。 A: 哇我們現在就出發吧! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
本文由生成式AI協作,本刊編輯編修。 Tucked away in southwestern Taiwan, Yunlin County is a treasure trove of cultural heritage, rich history, and natural beauty. From its stunning temples and glove puppetry to historical architecture and picturesque landscapes, Yunlin rewards those who venture off the beaten path. Yunlin is renowned for its flourishing temple culture. Temples in this region are not merely places of worship but also communal centers where people gather for festivals, rituals, and social functions. One of the most notable temples here is the Beigang Chaotian Temple, which was built more than 300 years ago and is dedicated to Matsu, the sea