Japanese culture has lots of traditional charms and symbols of good fortune. One of these is the Daruma doll. They can be seen in shop windows and homes, as well as in movies and animated programs. People use them for encouragement and to help themselves reach their goals. The typical Daruma doll is just a round ball made of paper mache, usually painted red, with part of the face left blank, symbolizing the fact that one’s future is not yet determined. The dolls have no arms or legs, and when they are sold at temples, they don’t have any eyes. In fact, it’s up to the person who buys one to give them their eyes.
The dolls are modeled after a legendary Buddhist monk named Bodhidharma, who lived during the 5th and 6th centuries. He is famous for bringing Zen Buddhism to China and Japan, where he is known as Daruma. According to one legend, Bodhidharma meditated for nine years in a cave facing a wall with his eyes open. He accidentally fell asleep just once and was so furious with himself that he cut off his own eyelids so that he would never close his eyes again. Besides losing his eyelids, Bodhidharma’s arms and legs also atrophied and fell off as a consequence of his immobility for nine years, leaving him with just a head and a torso.
Despite the strange story to explain their appearance, the dolls represent Daruma’s perseverance and commitment to reaching his goals. In Japanese culture, people buy the dolls with a particular goal in mind. Then, they display the dolls where they will see them regularly. This reminds them to work toward the thing they hope to achieve. People may also hold the doll with their eyes closed and say a prayer for motivation or courage in reaching their goals.
Photos: Shutterstock I 照片: Shutterstock
這些達摩不倒翁是以生活在五至六世紀、一位名為菩提達摩的傳奇佛教僧人為範本而設計。他以將佛教禪宗傳入中國和日本而聞名,他在日本被稱為 Daruma(達摩)。根據一個傳說,菩提達摩在一個洞穴中睜開著眼睛面壁打坐了九年。他只有一次不小心睡著了,他對自己非常生氣,所以割掉了自己的眼皮,這樣他的眼睛就不會再閉上了。菩提達摩除了失去了眼皮,他的手臂和腿也因為九年不動而萎縮掉了下來,只剩下一個頭和軀幹。
Photos: Shutterstock I 照片: Shutterstock
Word in Use
1. encouragement n. 鼓勵
Andy owes his success to his girlfriend’s encouragement.
Photos: Shutterstock I 照片: Shutterstock
2. blank a. 空白的
I went blank when the teacher asked me a question.
3. symbolize vt. 象徵
This flower symbolizes youth and vitality.
4. legendary a. 傳奇的;傳說的
A Japanese TV station produced a special drama to commemorate this legendary singer.
5. meditate vi. 打坐,冥想
Stephen spends 15 minutes meditating every evening.
Practical Phrases
1. be up to sb. 取決於某人,在於某人
It is up to each student whether or not he or she passes the exam.
2. be modeled after... 以…為範本(設計、製作等)
model vt. 使仿製,使仿效
This church was modeled after one in Italy.
3. be furious with sb. 生某人的氣
Tina’s teacher was furious with her because she kept interrupting him.
4. as a consequence of... = as a result of... 因為 ∕ 由於…
consequence n. 後果,結果
Ken was late again as a consequence of a traffic jam.
5. remind sb to V 提醒某人(做)……
remind vt. 提醒;使想起
Please remind me to call Sarah back this afternoon.
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