With their colorful feathers and charming ability to imitate human speech, parrots have captured the hearts of numerous pet owners across the world. However, many owners aren’t aware that parrots are incredibly social animals that need plenty of attention and company. In the wild, they thrive in large flocks, but captivity often deprives them of the opportunity to interact with other birds.
Bored and lonely parrots are at risk of developing psychological issues or harmful habits such as plucking out their own feathers. Thankfully, a new study has shed light on how modern technology can help relieve the loneliness of pet parrots.
In a bid to provide parrots with the interaction they lack, researchers from several universities collaborated on a unique project. They recruited 18 parrots from an online training program for pet parrots called Parrot Kindergarten. The parrots were taught to ring a bell, which alerted their owners that they wanted to use a tablet. They would then proceed to tap an image of another parrot on the screen. This initiated a video call, bringing another parrot “face-to-face.” After becoming familiar with this procedure , the birds were allowed to call their friends freely. In this phase of the experiment, the parrots made 147 deliberate video calls, each one keenly observed by the owners to ensure the birds’ well-being.
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia 照片:維基共享資源提供
The findings of the study were encouraging. The parrots appeared to enjoy their virtual hang-outs. They displayed a range of different behaviors, including singing, playing around and showing off their toys. Many parrots even chose to call the same birds over and over again, suggesting that long-lasting bonds were being formed. While video chats can’t recreate how parrots socialize in the wild, they can offer a beneficial addition to the lives of pet parrots and brighten up their days.
憑藉其色彩繽紛的羽毛和使人著迷的模仿人類言語的能力, 鸚鵡擄獲了全球許多寵物飼主的芳心。然而,許多飼主沒有意識到鸚鵡是非常喜歡交際的動物,需要充足的關懷與陪伴。在野外,牠們在大群體中茁壯成長,但被圈養往往使牠們失去與其他鳥兒互動的機會。感到無聊和孤獨的鸚鵡有可能出現心理問題或有害的習慣,例如啄掉自己的羽毛。幸運的是,一項新研究闡明了現代科技如何幫助緩解寵物鸚鵡的孤獨感。
captivity n. 囚禁;束縛
pluck v. 拔掉;摘取
well-being n. 健康;幸福
1. numerous adj. 許多的;大量的
The famous actor has won numerous awards in the course of his long and successful career.
2. interaction n. 互動;交流 interact vi. 互動;交流
The two leaders have had several interactions, but they haven’t signed a deal yet.
3. recruit v. 招募;徵兵
Judy recruited volunteers from her class to help run the charity bake sale.
4. alert v. 提醒;警告
When my dog wants to go outside, it alerts me by scratching the door.
5. initiate vt. 發起;開始
Rick initiated a conversation with the pretty girl because he wanted to ask her on a date.
6. procedure n. 程序;手術
Please follow the proper procedure when submitting your application.
7. virtual adj. 虛擬的
The professor posted a virtual lesson plan on the school’s Web site.
8. bond n. 聯繫;關係
The boys developed a close bond during high school and remained friends for the rest of their lives.
9. brighten up 使……生色;使……活躍起來
The sweet note from my friend really brightened up my day.
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