1. 個人資料 Contact Information
Photo courtesy of cvsurgery 照片:cvsurgery提供
此欄位內容包含:Full Name(全名)、Address(地址)、Cell Phone Number( 手機號碼)、Home Phone Number(家用電話)、Email Address(電子信箱)。
2. 應徵職務 Job Objective / Position Desired
A.不要用一堆華麗卻空泛的詞藻,例如“I am looking for a challenging position.”(我在找一個充滿挑戰性的職位)或“a job which offers me an opportunity for growth and advancement”(可以讓我成長與進步的職缺)在英文履歷當中,上述這些話給人不著邊際的感覺,好像有寫跟沒寫一樣。
Aside from my people management skills, my five years of active experience in the relative field shall prove to be valuable for your organization.
(註:上述內容取材自Martin John Yate, 1993. The ultimate CV book: write the perfect CV and get that job. Kogan Page, U.K.)
3. 個人專長 Summary
Concentration in the high-technology markets.
A self-motived person imbibing quality education with dual specialization in Engineering and Applied Mechanics.
4. 教育 Education
‧ University, College, Degree(大學、學院、學位)
‧ Qualification(資格)
‧ Professional Development(專業進修課程)
‧ Awards, Honors (得獎、榮譽)
5. 個人能力 Skills
‧ Language(語言能力)
‧ Computer Skills(電腦能力)
‧ Certification (證照)
‧ Others(其他)
6. 工作經驗 Work Experience
此部分內容就是羅列你的工作經驗(employment history),順序是由最近到最遠。列舉公司、部門、起迄時間(dates of employment),職位(the position),以及簡述職務內容(responsibilities)與工作表現(achievements)。
如果你是社會新鮮人,你需要納入的會包含你的實習經驗(Internships),暑期工作(summer jobs),或者你的臨時工作(temporary jobs),社團經驗(School Clubs)、舉辦活動等的資歷等。
給社會新鮮人 ─ 精選32個,超實用的履歷表用字!
Assist 協助
Accomplish 完成
Campaign 活動
Communicate 溝通
Demonstrate 呈現
Excute 執行
Form 形成
Handle 處理
Inspire 啟發
Launch 發起
Manage 管理
Organize 組織
Prioritize 區分優先次序
Resolve 決心
Succeed 成功
Upgrade 升級
Attain 達成
Build 建構
Clarify 澄清
Conduct 執行
Determine 決心
Focus 聚焦
Generate 產生
Implement 實施
Join 參與
Maintain 維持
Negociate 協調
Operate 操作
Qualify 取得資格
Schedule 安排進度
Target 目標
Value 價值
文章由TOEIC Program Taiwan · Chun Shin提供:
In the digital age, where communication revolves around text messages, “telephone phobia” (also known as “telephobia”) has become increasingly common, especially among young adults. Despite the ubiquity of smartphones, a significant number of individuals experience anxiety when __1__ making or receiving a phone call. Telephobia, in essence, is a fear or reluctance related to speaking on the phone. __2__ other communication methods, phone conversations require spontaneous responses and lack visual feedback such as body language and facial expressions. In such a real-time situation, telephobia sufferers are concerned about their inability to respond or express themselves appropriately, which can lead
A: Apart from singer Daniel Kang, more South Korean stars are coming to Taiwan in March. B: Really? Like who? A: Taeyeon of Girls’ Generation will hold a concert at the Taipei Dome on March 16. B: So she’ll set a milestone by becoming the first K-pop artist to stage a show at the venue. A: Singer Lee Mu-jin, boy group NCT 127 and girl group GFRIEND are also visiting Taiwan. I can’t wait. A: 除了姜丹尼爾,3月有不少韓星訪台。 B: 真的嗎?有誰啊? A: 像是少女時代的太妍,3月16日即將唱進大巨蛋。 B: 成為首位破蛋的韓流歌手,這可真是一項里程碑! A: 歌手李茂珍、男團NCT 127、女團GFRIEND 3月也要來,真是令人期待。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
>> Bilingual Story is a fictionalized account 雙語故事部分內容純屬虛構
本文由生成式 AI 協作,本刊編輯編修 Striking a balance between taste and health can be difficult, especially for those who appreciate Asian food. Many Asian dishes are high in sodium, which can be harmful to health, including increasing the risk of hypertension and stroke. In Japan, this problem is especially severe, with the average adult __1__ about 10 grams of salt per day, double the amount recommended by the World Health Organization. While many people seek healthier choices, __2__ salt can often leave food tasting bland, which makes low-sodium diets difficult to maintain. A Japanese compa ny has developed a __3__ utensil that makes