Turn on any American sitcom centered around teenagers and high school, and more often than not, you’ll encounter the cliched portrayal of the pretty cheerleader as one of the most popular people in school. While this stereotype may not hold true for every American high school, it does reflect the prevalence of cheerleading as a common extracurricular activity in the United States.
The fact that cheerleading is often viewed as an American image can be traced back to the inception of the activity itself. Cheerleading began in the United States during the 19th century, though the exact date remains unknown. There are records of crowds chanting cheers at Princeton University sporting events in the 1880s, but the idea of organized cheerleading didn’t emerge until 1898. In November of that year, Johnny Campbell, a student from the University of Minnesota, took the field and led a crowd of students in an organized chant. He is now recognized as the first cheerleader.
Following Campbell’s display, many colleges started organizing groups, or “yell leaders” as they were then called, to stir up the crowd and boost their teams’ morale. Cheerleading also expanded to high schools and the groups began to incorporate flags, drums, megaphones, and other props. However, contrary to the current image of cheerleaders, at that time, all cheerleaders were men.
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It wasn’t until World War II that cheerleading became dominated by women. Just as the workplace started hiring women during that time, so did cheerleading squads turn to women to fill the ranks when men went to war. Interestingly, even after the war was over, cheerleading remained primarily a female activity. More recently, cheerleading has become popular across the world and is now regarded as a highly athletic endeavor.
啦啦隊常被視為美國形象這一事實可追溯至這項活動本身的開端。啦啦隊始於十九世紀的美國,但確切的日期仍不得而知。有紀錄指出,在 1880 年代,普林斯頓大學的運動賽事中有群眾呼喊著加油,但有組織的啦啦隊這一想法直到1898年才出現。那年的十一月,明尼蘇達大學的學生強尼.坎伯上陣,帶領學生群進行有組織的呼喊。他現在被認定為第一個啦啦隊隊員。
Photo courtesy of Shutterstock 照片: Shutterstock 提供
Words in Use
1. portrayal n. 描寫,描繪
The novel gives a vivid portrayal of urban life.
2. stereotype n. 刻板印象
Stereotypes can lead to unfair misconceptions about certain groups of people.
3. prevalence n. 盛行,流行
Research has found a high prevalence of obesity among children in developed countries.
4. chant vt. & vi. 反覆呼喊 & n. 反覆呼喊的詞語
A group of protesters chanted slogans while marching through the streets.
In baseball games, catchy chants are created to root for players.
5. emerge vi. 興起;出現
This park has emerged as a youth hangout.
Practical Phrases
1. be centered around... (主題、話題等)圍繞著……∕以…為中心
The conference was centered around global warming.
2. take the field 上陣,上場
The soccer team took the field, determined to beat its opponent.
3. stir up... / stir... up 帶動∕煽動……;激起……(情緒等)
Dr. Lin’s persuasive speech stirred up the listeners.
The plan to eliminate some regulations stirred up controversy among the employees.
4. contrary to... 與……相反
Contrary to what the advertisement claimed, the product wasn’t useful at all.
5. Just as + S + V, so + 倒裝句 正如…一樣,……也……
Just as hard work pays off, so does perseverance pave the path to achievement.
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Continued from yesterday(延續自昨日) https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang Results showed that only 32 percent were willing to walk farther for the same candy, but 59 percent chose to do so when promised different candy. Researchers also discovered that students who walked farther reported feeling happier during the wait. __3__ Idleness aversion can be applied in various settings. For example, Uber uses animations and real-time updates to keep customers from being bored while waiting. It can also be used in the design of office buildings to reduce elevator traffic. During busy times, it takes a while to wait for an elevator. __4__ Recognizing the power