Observing the ever-changing landscape of the sky is a fascinating exercise in understanding the forthcoming weather. As we gaze upward, the clouds appear to be a lively canvas, their shapes transforming in harmony with the winds.
Long before the arrival of modern science, our ancestors made early attempts at predicting the weather by using natural signs such as cloud formations, star patterns (which served as seasonal guides), and animal behavior. For instance, they believed low-flying birds indicated an approaching storm. Primitive as these methods might have been, they marked the beginning of weather forecasting.
Many other scientific discoveries propelled weather forecasting forward for hundreds of years. These included the invention of temperature, wind speed and pressure devices that enabled humans to collect weather data. Had it not been for the telegraph, however, the development of weather forecasting would not have been so rapid. It was employed by Vice-Admiral Robert FitzRoy of the British Royal Navy, disturbed by the frequent shipwrecks near Britain’s coast, where 7,402 vessels tragically perished, causing more than 7,000 casualties from 1855 to 1860. After the sinking of the Royal Charter in 1859, FitzRoy was authorized to utilize data from 15 different locations via telegraph and issued timely storm warnings. This innovative use of the telegraph facilitated rapid data exchange over vast distances, making systematic weather forecasting possible.
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia commons / 照片:維基共享資源提供
As the 20th century unfolded, the evolution of weather prediction was stimulated by the establishment of equations deciphering the dynamics and migration of atmospheric systems. These advances were further complemented by technological innovations such as weather satellites, radar systems, and automated weather stations, which refined data collection and analysis methods, thus boosting the accuracy of weather forecasts.
Therefore, the next time you witness a cloud transforming in the sky, remember that we’re not just looking at interesting shapes, but also gaining an insight into what tomorrow’s weather has to offer.
為許多其他科學發現推動了數百年來的天氣預報。這其中包括溫度、風速和壓力測量儀器的發明,使人類能夠收集天氣數據。然而,如果不是電報的出現,天氣預報的發展就不會如此迅速。電報被英國皇家海軍的海軍中將羅伯特•費茲洛伊採用,他正為英國沿海頻繁發生的船難深感困擾,西元1855年至1860年間,共有 7,402 艘船隻慘烈沉船,導致7,000多人喪生。在西元1859年「皇家憲章號」沉沒後,費茲洛伊獲得授權透過電報使用來自15個不同地點的數據,並及時發布暴風雨警報。這種對電報的創新應用促成了遠距離的快速數據交換,使系統化的天氣預報成為可能。
vice-admiral n. 海軍中將
decipher vt. 解讀;破解
dynamics n. 動力學;動力
atmospheric adj. 大氣(層)的
complement vt. 使完善;補足
automated adj. 自動化的
1. canvas n. 畫布;帆布
The artist stood before a blank canvas but didn’t know what to paint.
2. propel vt. 推進;推動
This boat is propelled by its sails, though it also has an engine in case the wind dies down.
3. perish vi. 毀滅;喪生
Without food and water, the stranded hiker could perish in the wilderness.
4. casualty n. 傷亡者;受害人
The war lasted for five years and resulted in millions of casualties.
5. utilize vt. 利用;使用
You should utilize different types of knives for different cooking tasks.
6. evolution n. 發展;演變
Computers have been very important in the evolution of modern technology.
7. equation n. 方程式
The scientist used an equation to describe the relationship between temperature and
8. innovation n. 創新;革新
innovative adj. 創新的
The introduction of smartphones was a major innovation in the field of communication.
9. refine v. 改進;精煉
The chef refined the recipe by adding a few more spices and adjusting
the cooking time.
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