When it comes to popular symbols of marriage, one cannot look past the wedding ring. The wedding ring serves as a perfect symbol of everlasting love—a ring is a circle and thus has no beginning or end, representing the never-ending union of marriage. Wedding rings have long and rich histories.
Evidence suggests that wedding rings were used in ancient Egypt around 6,000 years ago. However unlike the metals and gemstones used today, they were crafted from materials such as reeds, leather, or bone. In the centuries that followed, the wedding ring tradition was picked up in the West, where it spread first in ancient Rome and Greece, subsequently throughout Europe during the Middle Ages, and eventually to Eastern cultures. Throughout history, the circular shape of the ring has endured, and so has the tradition of wearing it on the fourth finger of the left hand. The latter practice stemmed from an ancient belief that a vein ran directly from this finger to the heart. Although this belief has since been debunked, the custom has persisted.
Regarding customs surrounding wedding rings, there was a time when only the bride wore a wedding ring. It wasn’t until the early 20th century that the practice of grooms wearing rings gained popularity. This change was influenced by soldiers going off to war, who wore rings as reminders of their loved ones waiting for them at home. Today, the exchange of wedding rings remains an integral part of the wedding ceremony, symbolizing the commitment and love shared between two individuals embarking on a life together.
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Wedding rings hold a symbolic significance that binds the two members of a married couple. In an ever-changing world, the wedding ring stands as an ancient tradition that is likely to continue for generations to come, reflecting the timeless and eternal love celebrated through marriage.
證據顯示,婚戒在約六千年前就在古埃及使用了。然而,不像現今使用的金屬和寶石,當時的戒指是由像是蘆葦、皮革或骨頭等材料製成。在接下來的幾個世紀中,婚戒的傳統被引入西方,最先傳到古羅馬和希臘,接著在中世紀時期傳遍歐洲,最終傳入東方文化。綜觀歷史,戒指圓形的形狀一直持續存在,將它戴在左手無名指上的傳統也是。後者這項做法是來自於一個古老信仰 —有條靜脈從這隻手指直接連接到心臟。雖然這個信仰已經被證實是錯誤的了,但這個習俗仍傳了下來。
What Did You Learn?
1. What is the main reason wedding rings are considered symbols of marriage?
(A) They are made of precious materials.
(B) They have profound histories.
(C) They are worn on left hands.
(D) They form a circle.
2. According to the passage, what is an example of a common myth instead of a fact?
(A) Women were wearing wedding rings long before men were.
(B) One finger on the left hand contains a vein leading to the heart.
(C) Both ancient Romans and Egyptians wore the ring on the same finger.
(D) The wedding ring tradition began in Egypt thousands of years ago.
3. Which of the following aspects of a wedding ring is NOT discussed in the passage?
(A) How the tradition of it spread around the world.
(B) What couples do with their wedding rings.
(C) How to choose suitable wedding rings.
(D) Materials used to make early rings.
4. How does the author feel about the tradition of wedding rings?
(A) It will most likely last forever.
(B) It has already fallen out of date.
(C) It should be taken more seriously.
(D) It holds no significance in modern society.
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A
Word in Use
1. evolution n. 發展;演變
The 20th century witnessed the evolution of computer technology.
2. craft vt. 用手工製作
Stephanie crafted these beautiful dolls by hand.
3. subsequently adv. 接著;後來
John lost his job and subsequently did some odd jobs for around six months.
4. circular a. 圓形的,環形的
The circular motion of the merry-go-round made Jerry sick.
5. endure vi. 持續存在
Their friendship has endured for over 50 years.
Practical Phrases
1. look past... 忽視……
The team decided to look past the initial setback and focus on finding solutions.
2. serve as... 作……用,充當……
This big box can serve as a temporary bed for the dog.
3. pick up... / pick... up
Yoga was picked up by Western societies and became popular for its health benefits.
4. stem from... 源於∕起因於……
The increased crime rate stems from a reduction in the police force.
5. go off 離開
Sam went off in such a hurry that he forgot his car keys.
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