美國名校在大學畢業典禮時,經常邀請政治圈、商業或演藝界的名人,為即將進入社會的新鮮人提供寶貴的人生經驗。有趣的是,近年來許多名人不再用傳統正面、充滿希望的那種芭樂(cheesy)的方式給新鮮人精神喊話,而是不避諱地強調社會黑暗面,給學生一個震撼的wake-up call,刺激並點醒學生面對現實。
首先,紐約時報專欄作家大衛.布魯克斯(David Brooks)在頂尖名校達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth College)提到這段逆耳卻很中肯的建言:
Photo courtesy of Maura Barbulescu from Pixabay I圖片來源:Maura Barbulescu, Pixabay
“You have to give to receive. You have to surrender to something outside yourself to gain strength within yourself. You have to conquer your desire to get what you crave. Success leads to the greatest failure, which is arrogance and pride. Failure can lead to the greatest success, which is humility and learning. In order to fulfill yourself, you have to forget yourself. In order to find yourself, you have to lose yourself.”
lead to 導致
lead to為動詞片語,表示導致某事發生。很多人會以為lead to等於contribute to,但contribute to後面通常都是接較負面的結果,而lead to比contribute to廣泛,能接正反兩面的結果。比如說,「A sudden pouring rain contributed to the traffic jam.」這「traffic jam」當然就不是件好事囉!而lead to可以接負面的結果之外(如上述用法Success leads to failure),同時也能接正面的結果Failure can lead to success,來看看以下的多益例句吧:
Research shows that comfortable office environment leads to happier employees.
fulfill 實踐;達成
fulfill一字為將虛幻或抽象的事情實踐、使它成真,比如fulfill your dreams(夢想)、fulfill your ambition(野心)、fulfill your duties(職責)等。而fulfill oneself在這裡,不是說使自己成真,而是「找到自己的潛能並發揮」的意思。fulfill這個動詞在多益中經常出現,讓我們看以下例句:
New passes will be approved only for contracted drivers fulfilling the requirements listed.
接著,以音樂劇《漢米爾頓》(Hamilton)勇奪2016葛萊美最佳音樂劇專輯獎、普立茲最佳戲劇獎、並被時代雜誌評選為今年度全球百大最有影響力人物的名詞曲創作家暨演員林—曼努爾.米蘭達(Lin Manuel Miranda),在賓州大學給畢業生們以下的告誡:
“There will be blind alleys and one-night wonders and soul-crushing jobs and wake-up calls and crises of confidence and moments of transcendence when you are walking down the street and someone will thank you for telling your story because it resonated with their own.”
crisis 危機
crisis在多益中的財經情境考題常出現,最常見的字詞搭配為「financial crisis」財務危機,以及「economic crisis」金融危機。在以上畢業致詞中所提到的crises(為crisis的複數)of confidence,就是指在遇到挫折可能對自己忽然喪失信心而失志的危機時刻,也能稱為confidence crisis:
A confidence crisis takes away your ability to trust your own thoughts and feelings, and it makes room for the belief that you’re simply not good enough to deal with life.
One of the biggest corporations in the nation is now facing a financial crisis.
最後一位是Facebook營運長雪莉.桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)在柏克萊大學分享自己在走過喪夫之痛後,體會到人生所經歷的痛苦不會永遠持續下去,也不能悲觀地讓自己活在自怨自哀的焦慮或悲苦中。堅強面對自己的感受,並發覺人生中還有許多能讓人感到快樂、充滿希望的事,才是度過難關的正確方式。她的致詞中最充滿力量的一句如下:
“ It is the hard days — the times that challenge you to your very core — that will determine who you are.” 「就是那段最艱苦的日子、挑戰你到極限的那段時光,造就了今天的你。」
也正呼應了David Brooks提到的Failure can lead to success,並不是所有負面的事情僅會造成負面的結果,我們必須勇敢克服困境,便能從中獲取正面的解決之道。這句中的動詞determine也是多益常見字,為「決定;造成」之意。而「決定」通常大家最容易想到的是decide這個單字,然而這兩者之間有不同的含意。
determine vs. decide
Dieting habit determines your health and weight.(飲食習慣決定你的健康和體重。)
在這裡就不能用decide,因為是dieting habit(飲食習慣)導致、決定了你的健康與體重,有所謂的因果關係,因此必須用determine。但如果是「我決定要減肥!」的話,則兩者皆可使用,因為都是從多項你想做的事中擇一的決定,並非因果關係。例句:
I decided to lose weight.
I’m determined to lose weight.
The skill of the union bargainers will determine whether the automobile plant will reopen next week. (工會談判者的技巧能決定汽車工廠是否能在下周重新復工。)
1. _____ to pay this bill by the due date may lead to a penalty or to the disconnection of your cable service.
(A) Failed
(B) To fail
(C) Failing
(D) Failure
2. _____ these duties, applicants should be familiar with the information of the local area, as well as one-year experience in the hospitality field.
(A) Fulfill
(B) Fulfilling
(C) To fulfill
(D) To be fulfilled
3. After the collapse of the economy, some companies tried to hide the extent of their losses, resulting _____ the current financial crisis.
(A) to (B) in (C) for (D) from
1. 正解(D)。空格中必須為此句的主詞,須為名詞型態,因此答案為(D)。
選項(A)為過去式、(B) to+原型動詞、(C)動名詞、(D)名詞。
2. 正解(C)。此句為主動式,且to fulfill的to才有「為了」in order to的意思,因此答案為(C)。
選項(A)是原型動詞、(B) 動名詞、(C)to +原型動詞、(D)被動式。
3. 正解(B)。result in為「導致」之意,result from則是「起因於」;由於沒有result for或result to的用法,因此答案為(B)。
文章由TOEIC Program Taiwan · Chun Shin提供:
A: When is the Lantern Festival? B: The festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, which fell on Feb. 12 this year. A: Oh no! Did I miss the 2025 Taipei Lantern Festival? B: Yes, you did. But you can still go to the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan, which will run until this Sunday. A: Let’s go admire the exuberant lanterns. A: 元宵節到底是哪一天? B: 就是農曆1月15日啊,今年則落在國曆2月12日。 A: 喔不,我是不是錯過了2025台北燈節? B: 是的,但你還可以去桃園的2025台灣燈會,活動將持續至週日。 A: 那我們去欣賞豐富的花燈秀吧! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: What’s the theme of the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival’s main lantern? B: The theme is “Paradise,” and the main lantern is a snake-shaped “infinity” symbol that features a lighting show every half an hour. A: Cool, I heard that there are over 300 lanterns. B: There are even giant lanterns in the shape of Pikachu and some other popular Pokemon characters. A: Let’s go now. A: 2025台灣燈會主燈的主題是什麼? B: 主題是「無限樂園」!主燈的造型則是蛇形的數學「無限號」,主燈每半小時還有一次燈光秀。 A: 酷喔,聽說總共有300多件花燈作品。 B: 甚至還有皮卡丘和其他熱門寶可夢角色的巨型花燈呢。 A: 哇我們現在就出發吧! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
本文由生成式AI協作,本刊編輯編修。 Tucked away in southwestern Taiwan, Yunlin County is a treasure trove of cultural heritage, rich history, and natural beauty. From its stunning temples and glove puppetry to historical architecture and picturesque landscapes, Yunlin rewards those who venture off the beaten path. Yunlin is renowned for its flourishing temple culture. Temples in this region are not merely places of worship but also communal centers where people gather for festivals, rituals, and social functions. One of the most notable temples here is the Beigang Chaotian Temple, which was built more than 300 years ago and is dedicated to Matsu, the sea
Nestled within the heart of Taipei, National Taiwan University (NTU) contains a grand and spacious sanctuary where nature and academia come together in perfect accord. Across its expansive 111-hectare campus, NTU reveals a landscape rich with history, lush greenery, and a thoughtfully preserved ecosystem. This tranquil haven invites visitors to take their time wandering among the elegant buildings, to admire the rare plants, and to experience a space that exudes quiet inspiration. Zhoushan Road: A Gentle Prelude to NTU’s Tranquility Beginning at Gongguan MRT Station, the enchanting avenue Zhoushan Road leads visitors into NTU shaded by golden rain trees, cottonwoods, and Javanese