Photo courtesy of Chun Shin / 照片: Chun Shin
問題是「How many customers are using the platform?(有多少顧客使用這個平台)」,當答案是「We actually have over 100 companies.(我們實際上有超過100家公司。)」的時候,職場老手會在心中產生一個疑問:「為什麼你要加個actually?」
what really happened 實際發生的事
話說actually來自actual,它們的字根是「act」,是「做、動作」,既是做了,表示「發生、存在」,所以它是指實際發生的事(what really happened),或是真有的事(what is really true)。一般人的誤用actually是在答非所問的情況下用actually,或是在每句話中有如發語詞一般的都加上actually,這會使這個字的強度或你所述事情的可信度打折扣。
例如,當一位人事經理用英語面試新人時問:「What is your career plan?(你的職涯規劃是什麼?)」,應徵者回答:「Actually, I hope to learn in the marketing department.(我希望在行銷部裡學習。)」此新人尚未受聘,actually不會是指實際發生的事,所以他的actually 只是發語詞或口頭禪,稱得上是贅語。或許回答「I’ve just graduated from college, so I hope to learn in the marketing department.(我大學剛畢業,希望多學習。)」比較務實。
一如職場專家所言,要不就是從此少用actually,不然就是把它用對,例如說「I need to talk to the manager that actually made the decision.」,是指「我需要與確實做此決策的經理談一談。」或是用在補充你認為是事實的情況,例如「She is actually very helpful in this construction project.」,意思是「在這個建案上,她事實上幫了很大的忙。」
in fact; in actual fact 事實上
「actually」與我們熟知的「in fact」(事實上),用法非常接近。有趣的是,「in fact」原本的說法是「in actual fact」。fact是「事實」,所以「actually」與「in fact」出現的情境多半都是在強調事實,或是釐清真正的實際狀況。
Many customers viewed cellphones and tablet computers in the same category as 3C products, but actually they are quite different.
(許多消費者把智慧型手機與平板電腦視為相同範疇的3C 產品,但是事實上它們相當不同。)
Traveling by airplane is becoming increasingly safe these days. In fact, there are fewer accidents than 20 years ago.
(搭機旅行如今是變得越來越安全,事實上,飛安事故件數比起 20 年前少了很多。)
以上兩句之中,actually 與in fact 分別帶出事實敘述以補強前句的論點。
Why didn’t you tell us you studied accounting?
(A) I never actually finished my degree.
(B) The accountant is behind schedule.
(C) No, studying in the library.
SOURCE: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/office-rule-do-not-use-the-word-in-english
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