“Coriander,” also known as cilantro, is an herb beloved by many people worldwide. It is used in various Chinese, Latin, Greek and Spanish dishes. Moreover, coriander is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and thus provides many health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels and having anti-inflammatory properties.
So why do some people hate coriander? They describe it as having a metallic or soapy taste. The reason for this seems to be related to their genetic makeup. There are certain genes that make it taste unpleasant for some people. In regions where coriander is commonly consumed, like India or Central America, few people possess coriander-hater genes. Conversely, in places like East Asia, some 20 percent of the population find that coriander tastes like soap.
For those who hate this soapy herb, there’s a perfect day for them to join with others and pile on the hate — Feb. 24. This date is celebrated as International I Hate Coriander Day. A Facebook page aptly named I Hate Coriander started in 2013 and soon swelled to 200,000 followers. The page became so popular that merchandise displaying people’s outright dislike for coriander was being sold on the site. Out of this Facebook page, the International I Hate Coriander Day was born.
Photo courtesy of Shutterstock I 照片:Shutterstock 提供
In Japan, people are coriander crazy. The country boasts cafes and restaurants that specialize in dishes with coriander. The herb has found its way into various foods and products, including chips, soups, ramen, salads, cheeses, fried eggs, spring rolls and even candles. While some people would never want to eat coriander and would celebrate its demise, there are an equal number of folks who want to add it to everything they eat.
Photo courtesy of Shutterstock I 照片:Shutterstock 提供
What Did You Learn?
1. Which of the following is NOT a health benefit of coriander?
(A) Decreasing blood-sugar level. (B) Serving as a spice in cooking.
(C) Bringing down cholesterol level.
(D) Reducing inflammation in the body.
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “outright” in the third paragraph?
(A) Unreserved.
(B) Incomplete.
(C) Accurate.
(D) Objective.
3. Four friends are discussing coriander. Whose statement is INCORRECT?
(A) “Coriander and cilantro refer to the same thing.”
(B) “Whether you like or dislike eating coriander is decided at birth.”
(C) “Coriander is commonly added to several dishes around the world.”
(D) “I hate coriander and have celebrated International I Hate Coriander Day since 2010.”
1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (D)
Word in Use
1. herb n. 草本植物
The herb can be used as an effective remedy for headaches. 這種草本植物可被用來當作頭痛的有效藥方。
2. beloved a. 受喜愛的
The teacher is beloved by all his students.
3. cuisine n. 料理,菜餚
This restaurant is famous for its Indian cuisine.
4. genetic a. 基因的 / gene n. 基因
The child’s deformity was caused by genetic defects.
Some people have genes that may put them at risk of cancer. 有些人的基因可能會帶給他們罹患癌症的風險。
5. consume vt. 攝取(食物),吃
Jim consumes a lot of fruit and vegetables each day.
Practical Phrases
1. be rich in... 富含……
Citrus fruits are rich in fiber, not to mention vitamin C.
柑橘類水果富含纖維質,更不用說維生素C 了。
2. describe A as B 把A 形容為B
Rachel describes Kathy as a nice neighbor.
3. pile on...
As the scandal heated up, more and more netizens piled on their dislike for the singer.
4. specialize in... 專門從事∕專精於……
specialize vi. 專門從事
Our society specializes in helping children from underprivileged homes.
5. find one’s way into / to...
Rhubarb found its way into Europe via the Silk Road.
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