「What a bummer, right?」此時就要善用今天的換匯TOEIC英語對話,包準你能用最快的速度換到採購的現金,繼續buy buy buy!
Photo courtesy of Japanexperterna.se / 照片:Japanexperterna.se
Counter staff: How may I help you, sir (ma’am)?
Traveler: I would like to change some US dollars into pounds, please.
當說明想把 A 幣值換成 B 幣值時,可使用change A into B 的句型。舉例,我想把台幣換成日圓,便可說「I would like to change Taiwanese dollars into Japanese yen.」
接著,櫃台人員會問你需要換多少現金,最好先確認一下目前的(current)換匯匯率(exchange rate)再評估自己能換取多少現金。用過去式Could you 開頭會比Can you 語氣禮貌許多,對話如下:
Counter staff: How much would you like to change?
Traveler: Could you tell me what the current exchange rate is?
Counter staff: Sure. It’s US$1.25 to the pound.
在詢問問題時,很多人會說「Could you tell me what is the current exchange rate?」這是不正確的。Could you tell me本身已經是個問句,問句裡出現的第二個問句 what is the current exchange rate 應為間接問句,因此必須倒裝為what the current exchange rate is 才是正確用法。
櫃台人員提到US$1.25 to the pound是用to 這個介係詞表示「換成」。比如說現在大約是0.28 台幣換成一元日幣,便可說「It’s NT$0.28 to one yen.」
Traveler: Do you charge a commission?
Counter staff: No, we don’t.
Traveler: If that’s the case, I would like to change 500 pounds.
Counter staff: OK, that makes US$625.
免手續費是最棒的情況了!在提供現金前,櫃台人員還會向你確認換取的面額,你可以選擇換成大鈔(large bills),或換成較方便旅行使用的小面額(small bills),他會這樣問:
Counter staff: How would you like your pounds?
Traveler: Can I have six fifties and twenty tens?
在這裡可直接將需要的張數放前面、鈔票面額放後面,例如我要15張20元鈔票,就會是「I need fifteen twenties.」,最後只要確定清點金額是否正確,換匯就大功告成囉!
1. The currency exchange rate fluctuated a lot, which has________ affected the
profitability of the company.
(A) tenderly (B) properly
(C) diligently (D) adversely
2. How much money do we have left?
(A) Enough for the next few days.
(B) About 30km from here.
(C) I’ll pay you back once we arrive.
3. Is there a currency exchange counter at the airport?
(A) Yes, Tim has returned his product.
(B) It’s right beside the food court.
(C) He needs to withdraw some money.
1. 正解為(D)。「外匯匯率的極大變動對這間公司的收益造成了一些負面影響。」 (A)為溫和地、(B)為適當地、(C)為勤奮地,因此僅有(D)不利地符合此句句意。
2. 正解為(A)。「我們還剩下多少錢?」
(A)選項為「最後幾天還夠用」,(B)選項為「離這裡大概三十公里遠」,其about 30 會讓人以為在回答how much 的問題,因此會誤導聽者以為是正解,(C)選項為「我們一到我就會還你錢」,其中pay you back 與金錢有關,在聆聽題目how much 時也容易被此詞彙給誤導,因此僅(A)為正確答案。
3. 正解為(B)。「機場裡有換匯櫃台嗎?」
(A)選項為「是的,Tim已經退換他的商品。」其Yes容易誤導聽者以為是Is there這種yes/no題型的答案,且其中提到的refund退錢一字也與金錢有關,容易產生錯誤連結。(B)選項為「就在美食街旁邊」因此正解。(C)選項為「他需要領些錢」之中的withdraw some money 也容易讓人與currency 貨幣產生錯誤連結而誤導為選項,因此正解為(B)。
SOURCE: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/foreign-exchange
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