A: This year’s Michelin Guide for Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung was finally released yesterday, and dozens of restaurants were awarded Michelin stars.
B: How did restaurants in Taipei do?
A: A total of 28 restaurants were awarded one star, five establishments were awarded two stars, and Tairroir has joined Le Palais for the first time with a three-star recommendation.
Photo courtesy of RAW / 照片:RAW提供
B: But is there any hidden gem, in your opinion?
A: Well, the food at the Dragon is even better than some of the Michelin-starred restaurants, so it’s a pity it once again failed to make the list.
A: 今年的《米其林指南》終於在昨天公佈了,台北、台中、台南、高雄各有不少名店摘星。
B: 台北摘星的情況如何?
A: 有28家餐廳得到一星,5家榮獲二星,而「態芮」則首次和「頤宮」並列三星!
B: 這次指南有什麼遺珠?
A: 像是「辰園」的菜比某些星級餐廳還好吃,這次又沒摘星真可惜。
(By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩〉