離開校園後,工作兼顧生活,有如英文諺語「Burning the candle at both ends」(蠟燭兩頭燒)的畫面,貼切地形容這種情況。長期處在高壓的生活會對身心造成不良的影響,適當的舒壓是相當重要的,《Forbes》雜誌分享三種紓壓方法,我們可從中學習一些多益常考英文字。
Know your boundaries 知道你的界線在哪
People need to take some time off to recharge themselves. What recharges people might vary.
Photo courtesy of Firesam! 照片:Firesam!提供
我們需要一些時間來自我充電。充電的方式則因人而異。recharge (v)「再次充電」,這個字是由charge延伸而來的,最常出現在電子或電器產品身上。
It takes four hours to fully charge this device.
Vary是動詞,意思為「不同」,意思和differ (v)一樣,但千萬別和very搞混了。
Make time for mindful practices
Try to incorporate some mindfulness practices such as meditation into your daily routine and stick to it.
As if our hands, our sides, voices and minds had been incorporated.
Embrace gratitude 常懷「感恩」
Brainstorm three to four examples of something that you are grateful for before you start tackling the day.
What are you grateful for this year?
Related terms 相關用語
1. maximum weekly working hours 每週最高工時
2. flextime, flexible hours 彈性工作時間
3. overtime pay 加班費
4. minimum wage 最低薪資
5. stagnant salary / wage 薪資停滯
6. labor reform 勞改
7. pension reform 年金改革
「薪資」的說法有wage、salary、pay、income,當中的差別是wage(工資)指「時薪、日薪」,salary(薪水)指正式僱員的「月薪」。pay的用法則包含上述兩種在內;以前常以check「支票」的方式發放薪資,這就是為何會有paycheck 「薪水」這個字。在多益裡還常見到的詞有hourly pay「時薪」,pay cut「減薪」,pay raise「加薪」。
個人或公司的「收入」可用income,常見字詞income tax「所得稅」。revenue指的是「公司的收入」。
In contrast to other economies in Asia, our economy has stagnated for more than a year.
Reform「改革」可做動詞或名詞,由字首re和form這個字結合而成,「re-」這個字首是again的意思,概念就是重組形式,翻譯為改革。form跟其他字首搭配的例子如, uniform「制服」,uni-是「1」,指單一形式,延伸制服的意義。transform「轉變」字首trans-表示across「跨過」,變成另一個形式的意義。
Mr Smith has transformed his little farmhouse into a B&B.
1. Mr. Andrews changed his job because he felt that his career _____.
(A) is stagnating
(B) stagnates
(C) has stagnated
(D) was stagnating
2. To make your speech more effective and memorable, try to _____ storytelling and humor.
(A) incorporate
(B) corroborate
(C) collaborate
(D) interrogate
1. 正解為(D)。本題為文法題,題意為「Mr Andrews覺得他的事業停滯不前,因此他換了工作。」顯然已經換了工作,因此他覺得事業停滯應該是在換工作前,在時態上的選擇應該是過去式進行式,選項(A)、(B)、(C)都不符合。
2. 正解為(A)。本題為字意題,要選擇適合句意的單詞。題意為「嘗試放入說故事和幽默讓你的演說更有效和更難忘。」(B)「確認」、(C)「合作」、(D)「審問,質問」,因此只有(A)「融合,放入」符合句意。
文章由TOEIC Program Taiwan · Chun Shin提供:
>> Bilingual Story is a fictionalized account 雙語故事部分內容純屬虛構
A: China’s animated blockbuster “Ne Zha 2” also smashed a box office record recently. B: It’s No. 7 among the world’s best-selling films, grossing more than US$2 billion globally. A: I t has even become the world’s highest-grossing animated film, while the political metaphors in it are causing controversy. B: But who is Ne Zha anyway? A: Ne Zha, often spelled as “Nezha,” is actually a mythical teenage deity with superpowers. A: 中國動畫片《哪吒2》最近也打破紀錄。 B: 該片已衝上影史票房排行榜第7名,全球狂賣超過20億美元。 A: 聽說它甚至是全球最賣座的動畫片,影片中的政治隱喻卻引爆爭議! B: 但哪吒是誰? A: 哪吒的名字常被拼成「Nezha」,是神話中具有超能力的青少年神明。
You enter an old-fashioned detective’s office. The door locks with a click as a radio buzzes: “Rookie detectives, a priceless diamond is missing! Solve the case in one hour.” The room is filled with clues — photographs, coded messages and secret compartments. As the grandfather clock ticks, you and your friends must work to unlock the secrets. This is what escape rooms are all about — immersive adventure games where you solve puzzles and escape the themed setting within a time limit. The concept of “escape rooms” dates back to early first-person video games. In 1988, John Wilson introduced
A: Were there any highlights at the Oscars this year? B: With 13 nods, French director Jacques Audiard’s “Emilia Perez” broke the record for most Oscar nominations earned by a non-English film. A: Wow, it broke the record of 10 Oscar nominations set by Taiwanese director Ang Lee’s “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” B: On the eve of the Oscars, Lee was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Directors Guild of America (DGA) Awards. A: It seems that Hollywood has finally become more diverse. A: 今年的奧斯卡獎有什麼亮點嗎? B: 法國導演賈克歐迪亞的《璀璨女人夢》榮獲13項提名,打破了非英語片紀錄! A: 哇打破了台灣導演李安的《臥虎藏龍》10項提名紀錄。 B: 李安則在奧斯卡前夕,獲頒美國導演工會「終身成就獎」。 A: 看來好萊塢終於比較多元化啦。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)