As children, we adore the flavors of some foods and despise those of others. However, these likes and dislikes change when we become adults. How are our flavor preferences formed, and why do they change as we age?
First, it’s important to comprehend how we perceive flavors. As food is broken down in our mouths, taste buds on our tongues and in our mouths sense flavor compounds. The basic flavors are sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. However, there are numerous subtle variations on these flavors — for example, there are numerous different compounds that cause us to sense bitter flavors. Our taste bud receptors sense different compounds and pass the information to our brains. At the same time, flavor compounds from food enter the air and are sensed by further receptors in our noses. Our brains turn all this information into a simple idea of what the food’s flavor is.
Our flavor preferences begin to form before we’re born. We’re exposed to the foods our mothers eat, and this tells us that they’re both safe and nutritious. Studies have shown that children whose mothers ate certain foods while pregnant show a liking for these foods when they try them. The process continues in breast-fed infants. What’s more, it’s likely we have certain preferences in our genetic code. Kids prefer sweet and salty foods to bitter ones. This is because the former are rich in calories and the minerals their brains need, respectively. On the other hand, bitter tastes could indicate the food is rotten or dangerous. In prehistoric times, this flavor bias was important for survival. Finally, we come to associate some foods with happy or unhappy memories, and this affects our preferences.
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However our preferences are formed, they leave a lasting impression, though they’re still subject to change. We learn to appreciate different flavors and textures as we grow up. In addition, our taste buds become less sensitive as we get older. This is one explanation for why adults are able to enjoy foods they rejected as children. Equally, we sometimes crave stronger flavors to stimulate our weaker taste buds. Fortunately, we’ll never run out of new dishes to try.
despise v. 厭惡;鄙視
taste buds n. pl. 味蕾
umami n. 鮮味
receptor n. 受體;感知器官
breast-fed adj. 以母乳餵養的
respectively adv. 分別地;各自地
prehistoric adj. 史前的
crave vt. 渴望
1. adore vt. 喜愛;愛慕;崇拜
Dylan adores his new classmate Connie and spends a lot of time hanging out with her.
2. preference n. 喜好;偏愛
When it comes to food, everyone has their own preferences.
3. break down 分解
Over time, the food in our stomachs breaks down into smaller molecules that our bodies use for energy. 隨著時間過去,我們胃裡的食物會分解成更小的分子,供我們的身體用來獲取能量。
4. compound n. 混合物;化合物
Water is a compound made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen.
5. subtle adj. 細微的;不明顯的
This painting is full of subtle details that might not be obvious at first.
6. variation n. 變化;變體
Animals come in different sizes, but most land animals are just variations on a four-legged shape.
7. associate v. 把……聯想在一起
associate A with B 將 A 與 B 聯想在一起
I associate making art with a feeling of happiness, since I always enjoy working on creative projects.
8. explanation n. 解釋;辯解
Experts have still not agreed on an explanation for the existence of Stonehenge in England.
9. stimulate vt. 刺激;促進
The experimental new drug can stimulate the body to produce more white blood cells.
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