Another one bites the dust. Daniel Korski, favorite to be selected as Tory candidate for London mayor, has withdrawn from the race after an allegation of groping. He denies it, while his accuser, Daisy Goodwin, a screenwriter and producer, says other women have contacted her with some “very interesting stories” about him. #MeToo appears to have struck again.
Men in apparently unassailable positions of power have been toppled in a quite extraordinary sequence of scandals. Masters of the universe everywhere must be trembling at what might emerge about all they have done, taking it for granted that women at work were there to be touched, or subject to “banter,” all with an unspoken shadow of threats to careers.
That “boys will be boys” attitude has run its course. Behind every unwanted grope is a men-in-charge worldview that lets every little boy or girl know their rightful place.
Photo: Peter Lo, Liberty Times 照片:自由時報記者羅沛德
Junior women have taken great risks to unmask bosses who can command their future. Those women usually experience a torrent of online and mainstream abuse for their bravery, with vicious accusations from “you brought it on yourself” to “gold-digger.”
#MeToo has been a bold surge forward. It kicked off with Harvey Weinstein, emperor of Miramax, receiving a 23-year sentence for rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse he committed, unchecked, over a period of 30 years. He received an additional 16-year sentence February this year. After all those years of silence, 80 women, many of whom had been gagged by non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), came forward with accusations after the remarkable bravery of his PA, Zelda Perkins.
Later came the fall of Jeffrey Epstein.
Photo: AP 照片:美聯社
These are only a few examples of the #MeToo earthquake that has set thousands of senior men shaking in their big boots. This widespread fear is the campaign’s deep success, the sign of a culture that is beginning to shift.
About two-thirds of girls in the UK have reported experiencing unwanted sexual attention, including touching, in public places and thousands of cases of sexual assault have recently been reported in schools. Yet teachers are still not given adequate training about how to counter the extreme brand of Andrew Tate-influenced misogyny that spreads online, and sex education is under attack from the right. Meanwhile in workplaces the women who are most defenceless are those on zero-hour and precarious contracts.
(The Guardian)
又有一個人重摔倒地。英國保守黨最有望出線成為倫敦市長候選人的丹尼爾‧科斯基,因被指控猥褻而退選。他對此加以否認,但提出指控的編劇兼製片人黛西‧古德溫表示,已有其他女性跟她聯繫,告訴她一些跟科斯基有關的「非常耐人尋味的故事」。#MeToo 運動似乎再度襲來。