A: The “#MeToo” movement in Taiwan has recently been snowballing from political and academic circles to the entertainment world.
B: Yup, several entertainers such as Chris Wang, Mickey Huang and Aaran Yan have been accused of sexual harassment.
A: Is there any legal punishment for sexual harassment or sexual violence in Taiwan?
Photo: Chen Yi-chuan, Liberty Times 照片︰自由時報陳奕全
B: Yeah, of course! Take a “forced kiss” for example — it is considered “compulsory indecency” in the Criminal Code, and the offender faces a jail term of six months to five years.
A: I hope the harassers can sincerely admit the error of their ways, repent and try to change.
A: 台灣的「#MeToo」運動就像滾雪球一樣,從政界、學界一路爆發到娛樂圈。
B: 對啊像是藝人宥勝、黃子佼、炎亞綸等人,都被控性騷擾。
A: 對於性騷擾或性暴力,台灣有相關的罰則嗎?
B: 當然有!例如強吻某人將觸犯《刑法》強制猥褻罪,被告可處六個月以上,五年以下有期徒刑唷。
A: 希望他們能真心認錯,努力悔過自新。
(By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩〉
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