We all have friends who are late for everything. You tell them to arrive at seven, and they arrive at seven-thirty or later. Or maybe the late one in your friend group is you. What makes it so hard to arrive on time? There are many factors behind why some people seem constantly late for every event.
When it comes to time management, one of the most fundamental skills we rarely think about is our perception of time. How much time we believe has passed can affect our punctuality. Researchers at San Diego State University conducted a study to figure out how people measure time. They divided test subjects into two groups based on their personality: Type A people, who had traits of being ambitious and competitive, and Type B people, who were more creative, reflective and explorative. They found that Type A people felt a minute had gone by after about 58 seconds, while Type B people felt a minute had passed after roughly 77 seconds. This discovery meant that Type B people believed they had more time than they actually did, which, more often than not, made them late.
There are also mental factors that can contribute to chronic tardiness. People with anxiety problems may be more critical of themselves; therefore, it takes more time for them to get ready. For example, they may worry about how their outfit looks, so they need a lot more time to get dressed.
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But how can one overcome lateness? For one, you can set all the clocks in your home 15 minutes fast. Adding 15 minutes to the time you need to get ready is also helpful. That way, you’ll hopefully leave your home on time. With some self-reflection and time management, lateness can be a thing of the past.
What Did You Learn?
1. Which word in the passage means “the fact of arriving or doing something at the expected time?”(簡答題)
2. Check the people who are likely to have a problem with being on time.
Statement (Check)
(A) Ed is a teacher. He spends lots of time preparing his teaching materials.
(B) Amy is an artist. She’s much more creative than other people.
(C) Sally is a student. Her clocks are set 20 minutes fast.
(D) Willy is an office worker. He feels that minutes pass slower than they actually do.
答案︰1. punctuality 2. (B), (D)
Words in Use
1. constantly adv. 不斷地,經常地
Mike is constantly asking people for favors.
2. fundamental a. 基本的,根本的
You should learn some fundamental rules of grammar when learning a new language.
3. rarely adv. 很少,鮮少
Hank rarely exercises, so he is getting fatter.
4. conduct vt. 進行(調查、實驗等)
The researchers conducted a survey on people’s eating habits.
5. measure vt. 測量;衡量
Regular tests are needed to measure the students’ progress in learning. 需要定期的考試來衡量學生在學習中的進步情況。
Practical Phrases
1. figure out. . . / figure. . . out
Ada tried to figure out why Bob was mad.
2. divide A into B 將A 分成B
Mr Lin divided the class into two groups.
3. go by (時間)逝去
As time went by and I grew up, I learned to make decisions by myself.
4. more often than not 往往,通常
Getting out of bed in the morning is, more often than not, a struggle for me.
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