Compared to dogs, cats are mysterious animals. One thing that has been especially hard to understand about them is their love for boxes. Give a cat a box, and they are happy creatures for hours. You might not believe this if you don’t have a cat, so check out the Internet. It’s filled with all kinds of funny videos of __1__ cats playing happily with cardboard boxes.
The question is: why do felines enjoy these __2__ so much? The fascination that cats have for boxes has puzzled many people, including those who do __3__ on animals. There are several theories that try to explain it.
One is that cardboard boxes provide __4__ comfort for cats. For one thing, they have a somewhat soft surface for them to lie on. For another, a cardboard box provides an extra bit of warmth that cats love, especially when the weather is cooler. What’s more, cats also enjoy the __5__ of cardboard boxes. They are soft enough for them to bite, chew on, and scratch.
Photo courtesy of AdobeStock 照片:AdobeStock 提供
Another big reason cats like cardboard boxes has to do with their natural __6__. They like to surprise other animals and jump on them. A box allows them to hide and pounce on anyone or anything that walks by them while they are in a box. The __7__ space also makes them feel safe because another animal can’t sneak up on them from behind while they are in the carton. This sense of __8__ helps cats feel less anxious and get used to new situations more quickly, as a Dutch study suggests.
Researchers from a Dutch university __9__ an experiment by giving half of the cats in an animal shelter boxes while not giving any to the other cats there. They discovered the cats given boxes had less stress than the other group and __10__ better to their new surroundings. As you can see, there are many reasons why cats love boxes.
Photo courtesy of AdobeStock 照片:AdobeStock 提供
Photo courtesy of AdobeStock 照片:AdobeStock 提供
What Did You Learn?
(A) instincts
(B) physical
(C) enclosed
(D) cute
(E) security
(F) research
(G) adapted
(H) containers
(I) texture
(J) conducted
1. (D)
2. (H)
3. (F)
4. (B)
5. (I)
6. (A)
7. (C)
8. (E)
9. (J)
10. (G)
Words in Use
1. mysterious a. 神祕的,難以理解的
David Copperfield’s magic was so mysterious that everyone at his show was amazed.
2. creature n. 動物;生物
The forest is filled with unusual creatures.
3. fascination n. 迷戀
Peggy has a fascination for historic shoes.
4. puzzle vt. 使感到迷惑
This question really puzzles me. Maybe I should go ask the teacher.
5. theory n. 理論
Many scientists believe the theory that the universe is getting larger.
Practical Phrases
1. compared to. . . 和……相較之下
Compared to his younger brother, who has a lively personality, Will is very quiet.
2. be filled with. . . 充滿……
The kitchen was filled with the smell of cookies after I baked a dozen of them.
3. chew on. . . 咀嚼/咬……
Dogs need leathery things to chew on to improve their oral hygiene.
4. have to do with. . . 與……有關
Your headache might have to do with your lack of sleep.
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