Bees do a very important job for the world, but many bee species are endangered. That’s why on May 20, we celebrate World Bee Day. It started in 2014, when the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association launched a campaign to make the public aware of the need to protect bees. May 20 was chosen as it’s the birthdate of Anton Jan?a, a Slovenian who pioneered modern beekeeping techniques. The day was made official by the United Nations in 2017.
Bees are pollinators, meaning that they help fertilize other plants. 35 percent of the world’s crops depend on bees to grow. Some of these crops are key sources of nutrients. As the bee populations decline, the risk of global malnutrition intensifies.
There are several reasons why many bee species are endangered. One is the widespread use of pesticides, especially neonicotinoids. Another is the loss of habitat. Bees depend on weeds and flowers for food, but these disappear when areas are transformed into cities. Another reason is climate change. The warmer weather means that plants’ growing schedules are different. This results in bees passing the winter in their hives and emerging to find that the flowers they depend on to survive have already bloomed and died.
If you want to help bees, what you can do is follow these suggestions. First, if you have a yard or balcony, use it to create a safe, pesticide-free space for bees and let plants and flowers occupy it. Also, urge corporations to stop making and using neonicotinoids. If people work together, perhaps we can see our bee populations thrive once again.
Slovenian adj. 斯洛維尼亞的 & n. 斯洛維尼亞人
pollinator n. 授粉者;傳粉媒介
fertilize v. 使受粉;使受精;施肥
malnutrition n. 營養不良
neonicotinoid n. 新菸鹼類農藥
1. launch vt. 發起;開創;發射
The politician wants to launch a public investigation into the company accused of selling polluted food. 這位政治家想對被指控銷售受污染食品的公司展開公開調查。
2. pioneer v. 開創;倡導
The man who pioneered the creation of digital computers was being honored at tonight’s award show. 這位開創數位電腦發明的人在今晚的頒獎典禮上受到表彰。
3. intensify v. 加劇;強化
The doctor told his patient his symptoms would most likely intensify if he didn’t take his medication.
4. pesticide n. 農藥;殺蟲劑/pesticide-free adj. 無農藥的
You should carefully wash your fruit and vegetables to wash off the pesticides before you eat them.
5. transform vt. 改變;改善/transform A into B 將A轉變為B
When Dennis and his friends arrived, the quiet social gathering was transformed into a wild night out.
6. hive n. 蜂巢;蜂群
The boys looked up and saw bees flying around a large hive right above their heads.
7. suggestion n. 建議;提議
Kent was humiliated after his boss rebuffed his suggestions in front of the entire team.
8. corporation n. 大公司;企業集團
After buying a German company, the Japanese corporation prepared to expand its business in Europe.
9. thrive vi. 茁壯;繁盛
The domestic rabbit thrived after being introduced to Australia, eventually becoming a pest.
免費收聽當月《空中美語》雜誌課文朗讀及解析 !
A: China’s animated blockbuster “Ne Zha 2” also smashed a box office record recently. B: It’s No. 7 among the world’s best-selling films, grossing more than US$2 billion globally. A: I t has even become the world’s highest-grossing animated film, while the political metaphors in it are causing controversy. B: But who is Ne Zha anyway? A: Ne Zha, often spelled as “Nezha,” is actually a mythical teenage deity with superpowers. A: 中國動畫片《哪吒2》最近也打破紀錄。 B: 該片已衝上影史票房排行榜第7名,全球狂賣超過20億美元。 A: 聽說它甚至是全球最賣座的動畫片,影片中的政治隱喻卻引爆爭議! B: 但哪吒是誰? A: 哪吒的名字常被拼成「Nezha」,是神話中具有超能力的青少年神明。
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