《星際異攻隊3》即將於五月上映,由前兩集劇情大受好評,不少影迷也期待最新電影的釋出。《星際異攻隊3》其英文名為《Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3》,作為超級英雄電影漫威影視旗下的最新電影,大家都在期待是否能為這部三部曲最終章劃下完美句點。談到guardian「守護者」這個字,就聯想到guard「守護、保護」,守護企業資訊安全和個人智慧財產都很重要。今天從這個概念出發,我們來談談資訊相關單字,也是TOEIC測驗常見的單字喔!
Information security 資訊安全
Photo courtesy of Marvel 照片:Marvel提供
Inform (v.)動詞用法,意思為告知,用法為inform somebody of / that something,告知某人某事,這個語氣通常是上對下的語氣,因此在商業場合,如果下屬要寫信給上司,請避免使用這個詞彙,會讓人感到不舒服,好像主客易位的感覺,所以如果是下屬的話通常不會用告知這個動詞。
I regret to inform you that you have not been chosen for the position for which you applied.
You will be informed of our decision immediately after our meeting today.
這裡則是用被動態的語氣,原本主動態應該是We will inform you of our decision immediately after our meeting today,不過這邊要強調「你」這個代名詞做主詞,故用了被動態來表示,因此就變成大家看到的句型。只是中英文語言的差異性,這裡中文還是習慣用主動態表達,若用被動態則顯得不自然了。
The presentation on the company strategies has to be informative but short and concise.
Secure 安全
TOEIC測驗常見租屋情境,其中security deposit指的便是押金,deposit有存錢的意思,為了讓房東感到有安全感先存的錢就是押金了!
Please choose a secure password.
Can you secure a seat on the airplane for me?
Intellectual property 智慧財產
Intellectual指的是跟一個人的智力有關的,intellectual people就是聰明的人,名詞變化intellectuality則是智力,想必大家對於「-ity」字尾作為名詞的規則都不陌生,這個概念幫助大家在閱讀前兩大題時可以儘速選題,務必要記起來。
They discovered that the power in their hearts is much stronger than intellectuality.
Property這單字非常重要,是TOEIC測驗高頻率單字,由於多益考試的聽力前兩部份喜歡考similar sounds或是同音異義的單字,我們務必要知道這個單字的常見用法。
它可以指一個人或是物品的特質,與trait 或characteristic同義,也可以指房地產、財產,考生務必要從前後文小心判斷,才不會誤判。
I entrusted my property to him.
Many common herbs are said to have medicinal properties.
1. Police are appealing for witnesses to_______forward as fresh evidence is urgently needed if a conviction is to be secured in relation to the Gilmore Moor murders.
(A) indicate (B) call (C) come (D) move
2. The owners of this establishment will not be responsible for any lost or stolen property, _______will they be prepared to contemplate compensating anyone whose belongings go missing inside these premises.
(A) but (B) though (C) only (D) nor
1. 答案要選(C),多益考試中其中一種會考慣用語,這題正是如此。come forward是個慣用語,有站出來的意思,當然不是字面上的站出來,而是勇敢地出來指認。整句的意思為「因為迫切需要新證據,警方呼籲目擊證人出來指認,如此一來才能確保Gilmore Moor謀殺案的定罪。」這邊secure當動詞,有「確保」的意思。
2. 這題要考連結詞的用法,答案應該選(D) nor,因為後面的句子是個完整的字句,因此我們一定要選連結詞。而後面的字句用倒裝句,告訴我們只有選項(D)這個可能,加上前面的句子有個否定的not作為線索,更證實判斷無誤。語意為「這個機構的所有者不對任何丟失或被偷竊的財產負責,他們也不考慮對任何失主進行賠償的動作。」
SOURCE: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/guardians-of-the-galaxy-2-learn-toeic
文章由TOEIC Program Taiwan · Chun Shin提供:
Microsoft on Feb. 28 announced it was retiring Skype, the online voice and video call pioneer that the tech titan acquired in 2011. “Starting in May 2025, Skype will no longer be available,” said a post from Skype support on X, directing users to sign into Microsoft’s Teams platform for further use of its services. Skype was founded in 2003 by Scandinavians Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis in Estonia, revolutionizing Internet communication by offering free voice calls between computers and affordable rates for calls to landlines and mobile phones. Over the years, and as Internet speeds improved, Skype evolved to
A: China’s animated blockbuster “Ne Zha 2” also smashed a box office record recently. B: It’s No. 7 among the world’s best-selling films, grossing more than US$2 billion globally. A: I t has even become the world’s highest-grossing animated film, while the political metaphors in it are causing controversy. B: But who is Ne Zha anyway? A: Ne Zha, often spelled as “Nezha,” is actually a mythical teenage deity with superpowers. A: 中國動畫片《哪吒2》最近也打破紀錄。 B: 該片已衝上影史票房排行榜第7名,全球狂賣超過20億美元。 A: 聽說它甚至是全球最賣座的動畫片,影片中的政治隱喻卻引爆爭議! B: 但哪吒是誰? A: 哪吒的名字常被拼成「Nezha」,是神話中具有超能力的青少年神明。
People desire a sense of purpose in their lives, but they often remain idle unless they have a clear reason to act. This concept is illustrated by the retirement paradox. People work hard to prepare for a future without work but find life meaningless after achieving that goal. A study was carried out to determine if a reason, even a minor one, could encourage idle people to take action. __1__ Upon finishing the first, they were instructed to drop it off at a location either right outside the room or at a spot farther away, which would take around
Continued from yesterday(延續自昨日) https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang Results showed that only 32 percent were willing to walk farther for the same candy, but 59 percent chose to do so when promised different candy. Researchers also discovered that students who walked farther reported feeling happier during the wait. __3__ Idleness aversion can be applied in various settings. For example, Uber uses animations and real-time updates to keep customers from being bored while waiting. It can also be used in the design of office buildings to reduce elevator traffic. During busy times, it takes a while to wait for an elevator. __4__ Recognizing the power