Have you heard of ChatGPT yet? It’s a thrilling, vexing, ontologically mesmerizing new technology created by the research group OpenAI. It can solve all your problems and answer all your questions. Or at least it will try to.
In essence, ChatGPT is a bot trained to generate human-like responses to user inputs. Through the wonders of machine learning, it’s acquired a remarkably expansive skillset. On request, it can produce basic software code, rudimentary financial analysis, amusing poems and songs, spot-on imitations, reflective essays on virtually any topic, natural-language summaries of technical papers or scientific concepts, chat-based customer service, informed predictions, personalized advice, and answers — for better or worse — to just about any question. Unusually for a chatbot, it can learn as it goes, and thus sustain engaging open-ended conversations.
It is, to borrow Arthur C. Clarke’s old formulation, “indistinguishable from magic.”
Photo: Pixabay 照片:Pixabay
Almost, anyway. One problem, which its creators concede, is that ChatGPT sometimes offers answers that are precise, authoritative and utterly wrong. A request for an obituary of Mussolini that prominently mentions skateboarding yields a disquisition on the dictator’s interest in the sport that happens to be entirely fictitious. Another soliciting advice for the Federal Reserve returns an essay that cites ostensibly legitimate sources, but that doctors the data to suit the bot’s purposes. Stack Overflow, a forum for coders, has temporarily banned responses from ChatGPT because its answers “have a high rate of being incorrect.” Students looking for a homework assistant should proceed with care.
The bot also seems easily confused. Try posing a classic riddle: “In total, a bat and a ball cost $1.10. If the bat costs $1.00 more than the ball, how much does the ball cost?” Haplessly for a robot, ChatGPT responds with the instinctive but wrong answer of $0.10. (The correct solution is $0.05.) The Internet’s hive mind has been joyfully cataloging other examples of the bot’s faults and frailties.
Such criticism feels misplaced. The fact is, ChatGPT is a remarkable achievement. Not long ago, a conversational bot of such sophistication seemed hopelessly out of reach. As the technology improves — and, crucially, grows more accurate — it seems likely to be a boon for coders, researchers, academics, policymakers, journalists and more, presuming that it doesn’t put them all out of work. Its effect on the knowledge economy could be profound. In previous eras, wars might’ve been fought for access to such a seemingly enchanted tool — and with good reason.
Photo: AFP 照片:法新社
Intriguingly, OpenAI plans to make the tool available as an application programming interface (or API), which will allow outside developers to integrate it into their Web sites or apps without needing to understand the underlying technology. That means companies could soon use ChatGPT to create virtual assistants, customer service bots or marketing tools. They could automate document review and other tedious tasks. Down the road, they might use it to generate new ideas and simplify decision-making. In all likelihood, no one has thought of the best uses for it yet.
In that respect and others, ChatGPT exemplifies a widening array of artificial-intelligence tools that may soon transform entire industries, from manufacturing to health care to finance. Investment has been surging in the field. Breakthroughs seem to proliferate by the day. Many industry experts express unbounded enthusiasm. By one analysis, AI will likely contribute a staggering $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.
As yet, policymakers seem largely unaware of this revolution, let alone prepared for it. They should greet it in a spirit of optimism, while being attentive to its potential risks — to data security, privacy, employment and more. They might also ponder some rather more existential concerns. For better and worse, ChatGPT heralds a very different world in the making.(Bloomberg)
Photo: AFP 照片:法新社
總之差不多是這樣。其創建者承認的一個問題是,ChatGPT有時會提供準確、權威且完全錯誤的答案。要求在一篇墨索里尼的訃告中顯著提到滑板運動,結果是關於這位獨裁者對此運動之興趣的討論剛好是完全是虛構的。另一篇為美國聯準會徵求建議的文章,其中引用的出處表面上合法,但其數據已按機器人的目的被篡改。程式設計師論壇Stack Overflow暫時禁止來自ChatGPT的回覆,因為它的答案「錯誤率很高」。想要以它來協助家庭作業的學生應該小心。
該機器人看來也很容易被搞糊塗。用一個經典的謎題試試:「一支球棒和一個球總共花費1.10美元。若球棒比球貴1.00美元,那麼球要多少錢」?對於機器人來說不幸的是,ChatGPT以0.10美元這直觀但錯誤的答案做出回應。(正確答案為 0.05美元。)網路的蜂群思維一直在愉快地記錄機器人錯誤及弱點的其他例子。
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