歐洲議會於上週通過新法,強制規定2024年起,歐盟境內所有智慧手機、平板電腦等電子產品的充電接頭,一律採用Type C規格,預計將會對一向堅持使用Lightning接頭的蘋果公司造成巨大影響,今天我們就來從國外新聞報導學TOEIC測驗相關英文吧!
Apple must change the connector on iPhones sold in Europe by 2024 after EU countries and lawmakers agreed on Tuesday to a single charging port for mobile phones, tablets and cameras.
Photo courtesy of Unsplash / 照片:Unsplash提供
Can I connect my printer to your computer?
Your flight arrives at 12:30, when it connects with a bus service to your hotel.
connects with用來表達「接駁」的概念,注意介系詞要用with來連結接駁的交通工具。另外connecting flight則是代表「(轉機的)班機」。
There’s a connecting train service between the airport and the city.
The electricity company guarantees connection within 24 hours.
No wonder your charger isn’t working. There’s a loose connection in the plug.
charge 的用法
charging port代表「充電口」,顧名思義,動詞charge有「充電」的意思。
She drove the car round the block to charge (up) its batteries.
片語on charge用來表達「處於充電狀態」,使用動詞leave則有「保持某種狀態」之意思。
Is it all right to leave the battery on charge overnight?
而在TOEIC測驗中,charge有兩個重要的用法需要特別注意,分別為charge「收費、索費」、in charge of「負責、主導」。
1. charge做動詞時,代表「向某人收費、索費」的意思;相反地,常用片語free of charge就是「不收費」,charge在此當名詞使用。
The bank charged the commission to change my traveler’s cheques.
They fixed my watch free of charge.
2. in charge of在TOEIC測驗中經常出現,代表「負責、主導」的意思。
Who will be in charge of the department when Sophie leaves?
port / portal
We had a good view of all the ships coming into/leaving port.
a portable radio/phone/computer「可攜式收音機/行動電話/手提電腦」。延伸出「可轉移的」意思。
Your phone number is portable if you decide to move to a different home or office.
1. In order for you to receive the early registration rate, your application form must be postmarked ________ Friday, Oct. 28.
(A) in advance (B) beforehand (C) previously (D) no later than
2. A new system ________ the latest data-analysis methods was implemented this week.
(A) is incorporating (B) that incorporates (C) incorporation of (D) had incorporated
3. ________ in the late 1800s, many of the coastline’s lighthouses remain standing today, having withstood the forces of nature for decades.
(A) Built
(B) Building
(C) Been built
(D) Having built
1. 正解為(D)。語意為「為了讓你獲得早鳥報名優惠,你的申請表格郵戳日期必須在十月二十八日星期五之前。」本題要考連接時間的介系詞,句中要表達寄信日期最晚不可超過十月二十八日,故(D)「不晚於…」為正確答案。
2. 正解為(B)。語意為「本週實施了一個包含最新數據分析方法的新系統。」本題為文法題,考形容詞字句修飾名詞,句中要修飾的對象是主詞a new system,主要動詞是was implemented,因此要用that接字句的動詞。故(B)為正確答案。
3. 正解為(A)。語意為「建於1800年代後期,海岸線上的燈塔至今仍屹立不倒,多年來承受了來自大自然的力量。」本題要考分詞構句,句中指的是海岸邊的燈塔於1800年代被建造,因此要用過去分詞,在此省略了be動詞。故(A)為正確答案。
SOURCE: https://www.toeic.com.tw/info/article/toeic-power/news/iphone-type-c
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