流感的英文在一般的用語中都已經剩下縮寫,以flu稱之。cold 是感冒,flu 是流行性感冒,病情與傳染性都嚴重許多。flu的全名是influenza,跟television 縮寫成為TV,refrigerator 縮寫成為fridge一樣,都是在美式英文下成為縮寫的用字。
Photo courtesy of unsplash / 圖片來源: unsplash 提供
特別的是,兩者「中鏢」的說法不太一樣。英文中感冒的搭配詞通常都用catch,寫為「I caught a cold.」但是流行性感冒更常使用get。且因為有狀況時一定都已經發生了,所以說法會是「I got a flu.」
疫苗的英文至少要學會一組三個字。1.vaccine (n)疫苗,例如流感疫苗就是flu vaccine。2
vaccinate (v)接種疫苗。3.vaccination (n)接種疫苗動作的名詞。
All capable countries are working on vaccines for COVID-19.
Tens of thousands of people are going to be vaccinated next week for flu.
Fear has led to better vaccination rate. (恐懼導致了較好的疫苗接種率。)
施打疫苗的搭配詞非常特別。一般打針動詞是用shot,而一針疫苗針劑也是用shot 的搭配詞,例如:
I am going to receive my flu (vaccine) shot tomorrow.
但若今天要以「施打」的語意,就會用到administer,administer 最常用的意思是治理,這邊當「施用」。
The current presidential administration will last for another three years.
More than 2.7 million doses have been administered. (已超過兩百七十萬劑施打完成。)
It is important to get your dosage right. (用對劑量很重要。)
而當劑量用過量了,說法就是overdose。新聞中常見的drug overdose 指的不是一般的藥物,而是毒品過量。
若是在美國,公費疫苗可用state-funded influenza vaccines。因為都是分不同的州,所以不同州政府所金援的疫苗,就叫做state-funded vaccines,還原會成為vaccines that are funded by the state。fund 是資金或是基金的意思。
Mutual fund is often seen as one of the most accessible means to beginner investors.
The Program is generously funded by the R&E Charity.(本專案由R&E慈善慷慨支持。)
但是台灣的行政體系當然不是用州,所以最簡單的說法是「政府資助的疫苗」:government-funded influenza vaccines。或是更簡單地,說成免費的疫苗專案:free vaccination program。
Taiwan offers free flu vaccination program to most of its residents.
上面都說了公費,接下來我們來說說自費。其實沒表示是公費的,當然就是自費了。如果要強調是自己出錢,可以用at one’s own expense 來說明。
You may enroll your children in a private school at your own expense.
那如果是保險有無涵蓋呢?在英文中保單的說法是insurance policy,因為整份保單裡面有完整涵蓋的說明,亦即政策,而有無涵蓋的說法動詞就是cover。
I am afraid that part is not covered by your insurance policy.
RE: Clinic Online Reservation
John: Hi.
RE: Hi. This is RE Clinic Online Reservation. How may I help?
John: I would like to see Dr Lee tomorrow. Is there a good time?
RE: Let me see. Please wait a sec.
John: Sure.
RE: I am sorry, but Dr Lee is fully booked this Tuesday. Can you do Friday? Anytime between three to five in the afternoon will do.
John: Thursday and Friday don’t work for me. How about Wednesday?
RE: Can you come around 17:00 on that day? I just checked with Dr Lee and he agreed to wait for you.
John: Cool. Thanks.
1. When did this conversation take place?
(A) Monday
(B) Tuesday
(C) Wednesday
(D) Friday
2. When can John see Dr Lee this week?
(A) Monday
(B) Tuesday
(C) Wednesday
(D) Friday
1. 正解為(A)。題目問對話何時發生,因為預約明天時診所說週二沒空,所以今天就是週一。
2. 正解為(C)。週一是打電話的時間,週二是醫生全滿的時間,週五是患者自己說沒辦法的時間。週三於倒數第二句中有顯示醫生願意等,故答案為(C)週三。
SOURCE: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/influenza-vaccine
文章由 English OK 授權使用: www.englishok.com.tw
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