Have you ever read your horoscope and thought the predictions were extraordinarily accurate? If so, you’ve experienced the “Barnum effect,” also called the “Forer effect.” This psychological phenomenon refers to the tendency of people to believe that vague, general statements are specific descriptions of themselves.
The Barnum effect works exceptionally well for positive statements, as most people’s egos enjoy praise and reject criticism. It’s named after American businessman P.T. Barnum, who’s strongly associated with the phrase, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” This declaration conveys humans’ gullible nature and desire to believe the good things they’re told about themselves.
This common cognitive bias was demonstrated through an experiment conducted by American professor Bertram R. Forer in 1948. His students completed individual personality surveys and were told that they would be analyzed and custom feedback would be returned. Most students evaluated the feedback quality as very accurate. However, Forer had given each student the exact same results! General statements like: “You have a great need for people to like and admire you” and “You have a tendency to be critical of yourself” applied to almost everyone.
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We’re used to identifying universally valid statements in astrology and fortune telling, but where else can we see the Barnum effect? Digital platforms like Netflix and Spotify generate content recommendations on our profile. These are partly based on our user history, but they’re also general lists suggested for many users at the same time. However, we’re more likely to consume content when we think it’s personally selected for us!
To avoid being deceived by the Barnum effect, be aware that it’s happening and stay skeptical. Look for specific statements, not general ones. While being fooled may sometimes be harmless, avoiding being manipulated by the Barnum effect can help prevent us from making decisions that may not be rational or wise.
More Information
cognitive adj. 認知的;感知的
horoscope n. 星座運勢;星相
ego n. 自尊心;自我評價
sucker n. 傻瓜;易受騙的人
gullible adj. 容易受騙的;輕信的
astrology n. 占星術;占星學
skeptical adj. 懷疑的
Key Vocabulary
1. bias n. 偏見;偏差
The judge was dismissed after he was proved unable to set aside his personal biases.
2. psychological adj. 心理(學)的
The lawyer questioned the man about his psychological state at the time of the crime.
3. phenomenon n. 現象(複數 phenomena)
It was a great experience to witness the phenomenon of the Northern Lights.
4. exceptionally adv. 特別地;異常地
When her husband started acting exceptionally sweet, Reina got suspicious that he’d done something wrong.
5. criticism n. 批評;批判
Although he didn’t show it in the meeting, Zeke’s client’s harsh criticism really hurt his feelings.
6. demonstrate v. 證明;顯示
The results of the experiment demonstrated that crows and ravens are very intelligent birds.
7. feedback n. 回饋意見
All of the students in this writing class will receive immediate feedback on their stories.
8. universally adv. 普遍地;一般地
The clock in London’s Elizabeth Tower is universally known as Big Ben.
9. manipulate vt. 操縱;控制
Pauline likes to manipulate her friends to get what she wants.
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