網球天王費德勒(Roger Federer)於上週四(15日)宣布引退,為長達二十四年的職業生涯畫下了句點。回顧過去,他曾經贏得二十個大滿貫冠軍,與對手喬克維奇、納達爾合稱「網壇三巨頭」,如今這名年屆四十一歲的傳奇即將引退,令許多球迷感到不捨。今天就讓我們從他的引退宣言,來學TOEIC測驗的常考英文吧!
acknowledge 認可、承認
Photo: EPA-EFE 照片:歐新社
I really want to thank and acknowledge my amazing team. . . who have given me the best advice and have always been there for me.
acknowledge解釋為「認可」,單字來自於knowledge「知識」,字首「ac-」有「朝向某方向」的意思,代表come to understand or recognize 的意思,因此就是「認可、承認」。
acknowledge 後面加上動名詞,表達「承認做了」某件事情。動詞後面加上動名詞表達已經做了某件事情,其他常見動詞還有forget。forget 後方加上to V 則表達忘記做某件事情。
She acknowledged having been at fault.(她承認自己有做錯。)
She forgot turning on the TV.(她忘記已經開了電視。)
She forgot to turn on the TV.(她忘記要開電視了。)
acknowledge + that
acknowledge 加上 that 名詞子句的用法,則代表「承認」某件事情。
She acknowledged that she had been at fault.(她承認自己有過錯。)
All I want is some acknowledgment that his behavior is unreasonable.
名詞變化acknowledgment 則是去掉 e 並在字尾加上「-ment 」。
We sent her a copy of the book in acknowledgment of her part in its creation.
片語in acknowledgement of代表「認可某件事情」,除了動詞加上受詞的用法,也可以採用名詞變化。若用動詞改寫則是We sent her a copy of the book to acknowledge her part in its creation.
loyal 忠誠的、royal 皇室的
I want to thank my loyal sponsors, who are really like partners to me; and the hard-working teams and tournaments on the ATP Tour.
(我想要感謝忠誠的贊助商,你們真的就像是我的夥伴,以及ATP 巡迴賽事中勤奮不懈的團隊。)
loyal sponsors 解釋為「忠誠的贊助商」。loyal (a) 是「忠誠的」,注意不要和 royal「皇室的」搞混。名詞變化是在字尾加上「-ty」成為loyalty,是常見的名詞字尾變化,其他相同用法還有certain、certainty「確認、絕對」;cruel、cruelty「殘酷」、honest、honesty「誠實」。
Jack has been a loyal worker in this company for almost 50 years.
若要表達對某人忠誠,則可使用介系詞to 加上忠誠的對象。
He’s very loyal to his friends.(他對朋友非常忠誠。)
sponsor 贊助
sponsor (v) 是「贊助」的意思,當名詞時則解釋為「贊助商」,屬於動詞/名詞同型的單字。
The team is sponsored by JVC, so the players wear the letters JVC on their shirts.
I have over 50 sponsors for next week’s race.(我下周的比賽有超過五十個贊助商。)
另外一個名詞變化sponsorship則是較抽象的概念,指的是「贊助的行為或狀態」,例如brands sponsorship of sports events(體育賽事的品牌贊助)。另外也有「贊助費」的意思,in 加上sponsorship 則表達「從…得到贊助費」。
The orchestra receives £2 million a year in sponsorship from companies.
1. The guest speaker highlighted some ideas for ________ introducing
change in the workplace.
(A) success (B) succeed
(C) succeeding (D) successfully
2. Conference participants interested in industrial development should
________ schedule a visit to Bridgeville’s factories.
(A) practically (B) definitely
(C) recently (D) fortunately
3. The gift shop in the hotel lobby specializes in handcrafted gift items, each
one of them unique and ________.
(A) memory
(B) memorize
(C) memories
(D) memorable
1. 正解為(D)。語意為「這名客座演講者標明了一些要成功引進職場變革的想法。」本題要考副詞修飾動詞的文法,動詞introduce前面要加上副詞,表達「成功引進」的概念,故(D) successfully為正確答案。
2. 正解為(B)。語意為「對工業發展感興趣的與會者,一定要安排參觀 Bridgeville工廠。」本題是文法題,答案要選副詞,修飾後面動詞 schedule,(A)幾乎,(C)最近,(D)很幸運地。definitely schedule「絕對要 安排」符合句意,故(B)為正確答案。
3. 正解為(D)。語意為「位於飯店大廳的禮品店專賣手工品,每個都很獨特和令人難忘。」本題要考對等連接詞and的用法,空格前後接的詞彙必須詞性相同,因為unique為形容詞,後方也要搭配形容詞,故(D)「難忘的」為正確答案。
SOURCE: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/roger-federer-retire
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