Teams of scientists around the world have recently demonstrated the viability of airborne and waterborne DNA collection. The methods, which permit the analysis of large samples of soil, air or water for genetic material, rely on the concept of environmental DNA.
This “eDNA” is found in the innumerable particles of biological matter that creatures shed as they go about their lives. While these tiny scraps are invisible to the naked eye, eDNA tests can reveal a wealth of information to researchers.
For example, wildlife managers in the Susquehanna River system in Pennsylvania, US detected Didymosphenia geminata DNA through eDNA testing. This slimy species of algae, often called by the disgusting but apt name of “rock snot,” disrupts ecosystems to which it is introduced. However, because scientists caught it early, the rock snot was contained to just one area of the river instead of spreading and leading to a wide-ranging ecological breakdown.
Photo courtesy of Freepik / 照片:Freepik 提供
In another usage of eDNA testing, researchers from the Hong Kong University Conservation Forensics laboratory tested eDNA collection and analysis methods at a seafood market. They pulled water samples from the drainage systems and identified 144 species, three of which were protected at an international level. While vendors may not have wished to answer questions from law enforcement about their wares, the eDNA from their stalls told the university forensics team everything they needed to know.
Though it seems like science fiction that a test of the air or water in an environment could tell us so much, it’s a widely applicable tool. Even better, the more commonplace this tool becomes, the more uses scientists will find for it!
viability n. 可行性
airborne adj.
waterborne adj.
go about 從事;做
slimy adj. 黏糊糊的
algae n. pl. 藻類
contain vt.
forensics n.
drainage n.
wares n. pl.
Key Vocabulary
genetic adj. 基因的;遺傳的
1. The laboratory is applying for additional funding for genetic research on new strains of plants.
2. innumerable adj. 無數的; 難以計算的
There are innumerable beautiful flowers all over this field. Aren’t they lovely?
3. shed v. 脫落;掉落(三態shed-shed-shed)
Whenever I hold my dog, it always sheds its fur all over my shirt. 每當我抱著我的狗時,牠的毛總會掉滿我整件襯衫。
4. scrap n. 碎片;碎屑
Devin finished cutting the expensive cloth and swept all the fabric scraps into a basket for later use.
5. wildlife n. 野生生物
Australia is full of interesting wildlife that isn’t found anywhere else in the world, like koalas and kangaroos.
6. apt adj. 恰當的;合適的
A large fancy restaurant or a hotel ballroom are apt locations for a wedding party.
7. breakdown n. 崩壞;瓦解;故障
The country suffered an economic breakdown after its military took over the government.
8. enforcement n. 實施;執行 law enforcement 執法(單位或人員)
The people in this community have had conflicts with law enforcement that resulted in violence.
9. commonplace adj. 普遍的;常見的
Edith moved away from her hometown, as unemployment had become commonplace there. 伊迪絲搬離家鄉,因為失業在那裡已變得很普遍。
免費收聽當月《空中美語》雜誌課文朗讀及解析 !
A: It’s a pity that I can’t go to Australian pop diva Kylie Minogue’s concert. B: Why not? A: Hit Japanese singer Kenshi Yonezu is staging two shows at the Taipei Arena this weekend, and I already bought tickets long ago. B: Wow, isn’t he one of the most popular Japanese singers in recent years? A: And Yonezu’s megahit “Lemon” topped the Billboard Japan Hot 100’s year-end chart in 2018 and 2019 consecutively. A: 我不能去澳洲歌后凱莉米諾的演唱會真可惜。 B: 為什麼? A: 日本人氣歌手米津玄師週末將在小巨蛋熱唱兩場,我早早就買票啦。 B: 哇他可是日本近年來最紅的歌手之一。 A: 米津的神曲《Lemon》甚至還在2018、2019年連續稱霸告示牌日本單曲榜年度冠軍! (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
A: Australian pop diva Kylie Minogue is set to visit Taiwan for the third time on Saturday. B: I remember that her Taipei concerts in 2008 and 2011 caused a sensation, and I love her megahit “Can’t Get You Out of My Head.” A: This will be her first time performing in the southern city of Kaohsiung. B: Many music critics praise Kylie’s show as “a must-see in your lifetime.” A: Let’s go to Kaohsiung this weekend. A: 澳洲歌后凱莉米諾週六即將三度訪台。 B: 她曾在2008、2011年兩度在台北開唱都造成大轟動,我超愛她的神曲《Can’t Get You Out of My Head》。 A: 這次可是她首度唱進南台灣的高雄呢。 B: 許多樂評家說她的演唱會是「此生必看」! A: 那我們週末去高雄吧。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
Donburi, often simply called don, is a beloved Japanese dish that consists of a bowl of steamed rice topped with various other ingredients. The word donburi itself actually means “bowl” in Japanese, but it has come to represent much more than just a vessel. Donburi first emerged during the Edo period (1603–1867) as a quick and convenient meal for busy city dwellers. By the 19th century, donburi had become immensely popular among theater enthusiasts, who often purchased these portable meals to enjoy during long performances. Una-don, a donburi topped with grilled eel, was a particular favorite. Easy-to-carry and satisfying,
The Lemon Festival is a fun annual celebration in Menton, France. This festival began in 1934 and honors the region’s exceptional lemons. __1__ in February during the lemon season, the festival features beautiful floats and sculptures covered with dazzling lemons and oranges. These citrus creations are on display in the bright sunshine throughout the day, while at night, they are lit up and turn the town into a __2__ spectacle. The festival’s origins can be traced back to the late 19th century, when Menton was a major lemon producer. __3__, hotels would decorate their spaces with lemons and oranges