新首相上任、女王辭世、通膨失控…近日英國不斷登上國際版面。今年夏天,英國疫情退去,隨即而來的是飆漲的物價和急速上升的生活成本,又是有生以來最嚴酷的夏天,英國人無奈和不滿的情緒,隨著夏日的氣溫逐步高漲,引發各產業大罷工,被稱作「不滿之夏」(summer of discontent)。
Amid political upheaval, an economic crisis and the potential for mass industrial action, Britain faces a problematic, and possibly pivotal, summer.
Photo: EPA-EFE 照片:歐新社
an economic crisis解釋為「一場經濟危機」。economic (a)是「經濟的」意思,來自於名詞economy;另外,economics也是名詞,指的是「經濟學」,雖然字尾加上s,但不是複數型態,這類的單字是不可數名詞,因此動詞也必須選擇單數動詞。
She’s in her third year of studying economics at York University.
Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the local economy.
What’s the most economical way of heating this building?
The government’s economic policies have led us into the worst recession in years.
crisis是不規則的名詞變化,代表「危機」的意思,也是TOEIC測驗常出現的單字,常見用法如an economic crisis「經濟危機」、an financial crisis「金融危機」。其複數不是加上「-s/es」等規則名詞變化,而是將字尾「-sis」改成「-ses」,變成crises。介系詞片語in crisis則是「陷入危機」。
The country’s leadership is in crisis.
pivotal (a)代表「關鍵的、重要的」,常見用法如a pivotal figure/role/idea「關鍵人物/角色/想法」。
pivotal來自於名詞pivot,其英文解釋為a fixed point supporting something that turns or balances,意思是「中樞、支點」,支撐一個物品的重要支柱。pivot作為動詞時有個好用的片語pivot on,也就是depend on「取決於」的意思。
The former guerrilla leader has become the pivot on which the country’s emerging political stability turns.
Future deals will pivot on easing commercial conflicts.
She pivots her left foot.
He pivoted on his heels and headed out.
Workers across pillars of the economy have been voting for industrial action over below-inflation pay offers.
pillar解釋為「建築物的柱子」,並可延伸出「中流砥柱、棟樑」的意思,因此pillars of the economy就是支撐起國家經濟的各行各業,代表「經濟支柱」。
A row of reinforced concrete pillars supports the bridge.
Mrs Maple is a pillar of the local church.
below-inflation pay offers解釋為「低於通膨的薪資」。inflation是「通膨」的意思,來自於inflate (v),字尾加上「-ate」作為動詞變化,代表「膨脹、打氣」,因此延伸出「整體民生價格上漲」的概念,也就是「通貨膨脹」。字尾加上「-tion」是名詞變化,而「-table」則是形容詞變化,意思是「可充氣膨脹的」,通常充氣小艇或是游泳池等標籤上都會看到inflatable。
From the top of the skyscraper, the cars below us looked like insects.
In 79 AD, the city of Pompei was buried under a layer of ash 7m deep.
She has three people working below her.
1. The apartments on the lower floors cost less because they are more exposed ________ dust and the noise of traffic.
(A) to (B) without (C) from (D) against
2. By registering for our online payment plan, customers are authorizing the bank to ________ automatic withdrawals on the first day of every month.
(A) consent (B) see (C) make (D) trust
3. Speaking ________ behalf of the vice president, Alan Lee thanked the employees for their contributions to the fund-raising project.
(A) at (B) on (C) by (D) for
1. 正解為(A)。語意為「低樓層的公寓比較便宜,因為他們暴露在灰塵和交通噪音之中。」本題要考動詞expose的用法,be exposed to是「暴露在…之中」,介系詞要用to表達,故(A)為正確答案。
2. 正解為(A)。語意為「通過註冊我們的網上付費方案,客戶授權銀行在每月一號同意自動扣款。」本題要考consent的慣用語,consent automatic withdrawals「同意自動扣款」符合句意,故(A)為正確答案。
3. 正解為(B)。語意為「李艾倫 代表副總致辭,感謝員工為此次募款活動所做的貢獻。」on behalf of是個常見的介系詞片語,意思是「代表…」,故(B)為正確答案。
SOURCE: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/uk-economic-crisis
A: Guess what’s included in Google Taiwan’s 2024 most searched words. B: Let me guess: Taiwan’s victory in the WBSC Premier 12 championship must be on the list. A: Wow, good guess. “Premier 12” is at No. 10. B: What are the other most popular searches? A: No. 9 to 6 are: Ticketing platform “Tixcraft,” Taiwanese film “The Pig, The Snake and The Pigeon,” Olympic gold boxer “Lin Yu-ting,” and the “Yuanta ETF coded 00940.” A: 猜猜看,Google 2024台灣搜尋排行榜,有哪些關鍵詞? B: 我猜「棒球12強賽」一定超熱門吧。 A: 你好強,12強真的排在第10名! B: 其他熱門搜尋有哪些?! A: 第9至6名是︰「拓元」售票、電影「周處除三害」、奧運拳擊金牌「林郁婷」、元大ETF「00940」。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
A: Which words ranked highest for Google Taiwan’s most searched words of 2024? B: No. 5 to 1 are: “US presidential election,” “Olympics,” “Ko Wen-je,” “typhoon” and “earthquake.” A: I heard that Google also released a list of most searched word meanings. B: Yeah, the most popular searches included “M3,” “APT” and “release without bail.” A: Let me google their meanings now. A: Google 2024 台灣搜尋排行榜,前幾名是什麼? B: 第5至1名是︰「美國總統大選」、「奧運」、「柯文哲」、「颱風」、「地震」! A: 我聽說Google還有一個搜尋字義的排行榜。 B: 對啊前幾名是︰「M3」、「APT」、「無保請回」。 A: 讓我搜尋一下他們是什麼意思。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Stonefish may not be the most impressive-looking animal in the sea. In fact, this fish is so skilled at camouflage that most people wouldn’t notice it if they swam past it. Despite their unremarkable appearance, stonefish are the most venomous fish in the ocean. Stonefish come in various shades of brown, red, yellow, and orange. Their rough skin texture and blotchy color pattern give them a remarkable resemblance to stones, which is where their name comes from. This feature helps them blend in with their surroundings exceptionally well. Stonefish are notable for their 13 highly venomous spines which protrude
「雙手合十/合掌禮」(namaste) or 「碰肘/擊肘」 (elbow bump): 新冠肺炎流行逐漸改變現代社會的某些社交禮儀,歐美許多名人政要開始以「雙手合十/合掌禮」(namaste) 或「碰肘/擊肘」(elbow bump) 替代握手。 《今日商業》報導英國王儲查爾斯以「雙手合十」代替握手。 Coronavirus update: Prince Charles spotted greeting people with namaste (Business Today , March 12, 2020) 另外,《商業內幕》報導:疫情期間美國總統川普在白宮舉行新冠肺炎記者會,想和居家照護公司LHC集團執行副總葛林斯坦 (Bruce Greenstein) 握手,葛林斯坦婉拒,示意改用擊肘。 President Donald Trump attempted to shake hands with a home health care company executive . . . but the man turned the president down and offered him an elbow bump instead. (Eliza Relman, Business Insider , March 14, 2020) 「雙手合十/合掌禮」源自印度,也流行於泰、緬等國家。「碰肘/擊肘」則是 2006 禽流感、2009 豬流感後逐漸流行。疫情逐漸改變我們的生活方式,包括打招呼等社交禮儀,也出現了微妙的變化。 「拱手禮」(fist-and-palm salute) 至於華人社會傳統上也有雙手互握合於胸前「拱手禮」(fist-and-palm salute)。公益網站 Just Quarantine 提到: Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen demonstrating social distancing through use of a traditional Chinese greeting (fist & palm) instead of shaking hands in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 因應新冠肺炎疫情,2020 當年總統蔡英文與來訪賓客保持安全距離,拱手 (fist &