spam mail、phishing
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spam是垃圾訊息,spam mail、junk mail都解釋為「垃圾信件」,兩者可互換使用。英文spam的來源是一種午餐肉的牌子,由於午餐肉在西方是日用的快餐垃圾食物,因此衍伸為「垃圾信件」的意思。
許多人的信箱經常塞滿垃圾信件和詐騙信件(scam mail),造成生活不便和困擾,尤其有些垃圾信件會夾帶病毒造成電腦當機,甚至不少網路釣魚(phishing)信件的連結或軟體會竊取個資及銀行密碼資訊,要特別小心注意。
phishing (n)是「網路釣魚」的意思,這個單字的發音呼應了它的字義,因為與其發音一樣的fishing就是「釣魚」。
The links included in phishing e-mails may contain malware or spyware.
scam (v/n)「詐騙」可當動詞或名詞,scammer (n)則是「騙徒、詐騙的人」。在旅行途中遇到的詐騙就稱為travel scams「旅行詐騙」;而許多人經常接到過的「電話詐騙」則是phone scam。
An increasing number of people have fallen victim to phone scams.
Do not open or forward e-mails which you suspect as being scams.
forward當副詞通常用來表示「方向」,如move forward「往前進」,此外多益測驗中經常出現片語look forward to + N/Ving「期待」,因為介系詞是to,所以後方要加上名詞或動名詞。但在信件中,forward當動詞表示「轉寄」的意思,forwarding則可以當作名詞,例如搬家時,可以在郵局申請轉寄郵件的服務(Mail Forwarding service)將郵件轉寄到新住址。
We look forward to serving you in the future.(期待能在未來為您服務。)
Could you forward the message Mr Otani sent last Tuesday?
To request Mail Forwarding service, please complete and submit the form online.
2. 勿開啟不明附件
Do not open attachments from unknown sources.
The city map and the directions to the McCormick Convention Center are attached.
3. 檢查垃圾郵箱
Check junk mail folders regularly in case a legitimate e-mail gets through by mistake.
legitimate (adj)指的是「合理的、可接受的;合法的」,例如「合法的商業活動」英文就是legitimate business activities。反義詞則是illegitimate (adj)「非法的」。
Heather provided a legitimate excuse for missing last week’s workshop.
4. 盡量使用密件副本
When sending e-mails to multiple recipients, list their addresses in the “BCC” (blind carbon copy) box instead of in the “To” box.
recipient (n)指的是「收件人;接受者」,由動詞receive「接收」衍伸而來。
Jim Reynolds is the recipient of this year’s Young Scholar Award.
1. After the ski accident in the Alpine region last year, John has had difficulty ________ between delusions and realities.
(A) differentiate (B) to differentiate (C) differentiated (D) differentiating
2. Thank you for registering for our workshop. This e-mail confirms our ________ of your registration fee.
(A)recipient (B) receive (C) receipt (D) receptionist
1. 正解為(D)。語意為「自從去年在阿爾卑斯山發生滑雪意外後,約翰一直難以分辨錯覺與現實。」本題要考文法題的動詞形式,have difficulty/trouble後方要接動名詞的形式,故(D)為正確答案。
2. 正解為(C)。語意為「感謝您註冊參加工作坊,這封電子郵件是向您確認我們已收到您的註冊費用。」本題為文法單字題,要選擇適合空格詞性和字義的單字,可以判斷出空格處要填入名詞,因此要排除選項(B),(A)接受者,(D)接待員。(C)接受,符合句意,故為正確答案。
SOURCE: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/spam-mail
文章由 English OK 授權使用: www.englishok.com.tw
A: China’s animated blockbuster “Ne Zha 2” also smashed a box office record recently. B: It’s No. 7 among the world’s best-selling films, grossing more than US$2 billion globally. A: I t has even become the world’s highest-grossing animated film, while the political metaphors in it are causing controversy. B: But who is Ne Zha anyway? A: Ne Zha, often spelled as “Nezha,” is actually a mythical teenage deity with superpowers. A: 中國動畫片《哪吒2》最近也打破紀錄。 B: 該片已衝上影史票房排行榜第7名,全球狂賣超過20億美元。 A: 聽說它甚至是全球最賣座的動畫片,影片中的政治隱喻卻引爆爭議! B: 但哪吒是誰? A: 哪吒的名字常被拼成「Nezha」,是神話中具有超能力的青少年神明。
You enter an old-fashioned detective’s office. The door locks with a click as a radio buzzes: “Rookie detectives, a priceless diamond is missing! Solve the case in one hour.” The room is filled with clues — photographs, coded messages and secret compartments. As the grandfather clock ticks, you and your friends must work to unlock the secrets. This is what escape rooms are all about — immersive adventure games where you solve puzzles and escape the themed setting within a time limit. The concept of “escape rooms” dates back to early first-person video games. In 1988, John Wilson introduced
People desire a sense of purpose in their lives, but they often remain idle unless they have a clear reason to act. This concept is illustrated by the retirement paradox. People work hard to prepare for a future without work but find life meaningless after achieving that goal. A study was carried out to determine if a reason, even a minor one, could encourage idle people to take action. __1__ Upon finishing the first, they were instructed to drop it off at a location either right outside the room or at a spot farther away, which would take around
A: Were there any highlights at the Oscars this year? B: With 13 nods, French director Jacques Audiard’s “Emilia Perez” broke the record for most Oscar nominations earned by a non-English film. A: Wow, it broke the record of 10 Oscar nominations set by Taiwanese director Ang Lee’s “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” B: On the eve of the Oscars, Lee was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Directors Guild of America (DGA) Awards. A: It seems that Hollywood has finally become more diverse. A: 今年的奧斯卡獎有什麼亮點嗎? B: 法國導演賈克歐迪亞的《璀璨女人夢》榮獲13項提名,打破了非英語片紀錄! A: 哇打破了台灣導演李安的《臥虎藏龍》10項提名紀錄。 B: 李安則在奧斯卡前夕,獲頒美國導演工會「終身成就獎」。 A: 看來好萊塢終於比較多元化啦。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)