yen weakness 日圓疲軟
Yet economists see building pressure for a shift if persistent yen weakness exacerbates inflation by raising import costs, particularly for energy, and reckon that 125 is a key level.
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yen weakness是「日圓疲軟,weak (a.)意思是「虛弱的、疲弱的,加上「-ness」名詞字尾,代表「疲軟的概念;加上「-en」動詞變化則有「弱化、削弱」的意思。
The bill would seriously weaken environmental protections.
exacerbate (v.)「惡化、加劇、加重,英文的定義為to make something that is already bad even worse(使某件已經很糟的事情更糟)。文章中提到通膨(inflation)加劇,將會對經濟造成負面的影響,因此可以看出作者的態度是不樂觀的。
This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.(這次襲擊將令兩個原本已經處於緊張狀態的團體關係更加惡化。)
raise import cost是「提高進口成本,討論數據「上升、下降時,經常使用raise和rise這兩個動詞,但是特別注意兩者使用方式有所不同。raise是及物動詞(vt),後方必須要接一個受詞(名詞),如raise your hand、raise the eyebrows;然而,rise是不及物動詞(vi),不能直接加上受詞,而是要在中間穿插一個介系詞作為連結功能的用途,如常見的go (to) school、listen (to) music等,因此rise的用法就是inflation rises,常見的the sun rises in the east就是如此。
The government plans to raise taxes.
Inflation is rising by 2.1 percent a month.
Japanese yen depreciation is a big problem for the Japanese economy, because the economy — especially households — is facing rising inflation and yen depreciation could accelerate that. (Reuters)
yen depreciation是「日圓貶值的意思,depreciation (n)來自於動詞depreciate,英文解釋為to lose value「失去價值、貶值」,「-ate」是動詞字尾,「-ation則是名詞字尾。
Our car depreciated (by) US$1,500 in the first year we owned it.
depreciate的反義詞是appreciate,英文解釋to increase in value「增值、升值」。除此之外,appreciate在國際職場與多益測驗中,還有「欣賞、感恩」這兩個衍生字義。
The value of our house has appreciated by 50 percent in the last two years.
There’s no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn’t appreciate them.
rising inflation「通膨上升」,當rise作現在分詞rising時,可當作形容詞使用,因此字面上的意思就是「正在上升的,用來修飾名詞inflation。
accelerate (v.)「加快,字尾「-ate」是動詞用法,而「-ation則是作為名詞變化,「-ator也作為名詞,代表「加速器、油門」的意思。
Inflation is likely to accelerate this year, adding further upward pressure on interest rates.
1. Children who are two years old and younger are ________ free of charge to most concerts and films.
(A) admit
(B) admits
(C) admitted
(D) admitting
2. After discussing the terms of the new health-benefits contract, ________ management and employees were satisfied.
(A) both
(B) also
(C) either
(D) too
3. Although we have ________ not to offer you a position at this time , we will keep your resume on file for future openings.
(A) decided
(B) deciding
(C) decision
(D) decidedly
1. 正解為(C)。語意為「任何兩歲及以下的孩童可以免費進入大部分的演唱會和電影。」本題要考的是被動態用法,在英語中,若要進場或是進入一個管控的場所,會用admit代表「允許…進入」的意思。本句主詞children為複數,要使用被動態be+p.p.「被允許進入」,故(C)為正確答案。
2. 正解為(A)。語意為「在討論過新的健保合約條款後,勞資雙方都很滿意。」本句要表達雙方都很滿意,both代表兩個立場,故(A)為正確答案。
3. 正解為(A)。語意為「儘管我們已經決定此時不向您提供職位,但是我們會將履歷入檔做為日後職缺參考。」因為完成式後面的動詞要變化成過去分詞,因此have後方只能接decided,故(A)為正確答案。
Source: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/yen-depreciation
文章由 English OK 授權使用: www.englishok.com.tw
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Continued from yesterday(延續自昨日) https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang Results showed that only 32 percent were willing to walk farther for the same candy, but 59 percent chose to do so when promised different candy. Researchers also discovered that students who walked farther reported feeling happier during the wait. __3__ Idleness aversion can be applied in various settings. For example, Uber uses animations and real-time updates to keep customers from being bored while waiting. It can also be used in the design of office buildings to reduce elevator traffic. During busy times, it takes a while to wait for an elevator. __4__ Recognizing the power