shortage 短缺
The opposition Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and several Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) mayors on Tuesday urged the government to do more to address the shortage of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests in the wake of the recent surge in domestic cases.
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address (v)代表「應付、處理」,重音放在第二音節,而這個單字更常見的意思為「地址」,重音在第一音節;另外,address還可以解釋為「對…演講、致詞」,當名詞時,可搭配動詞give。而不論是做動詞或名詞使用,都是用介系詞to,兩個都是多益測驗會出現的用法。
The issue of funding has yet to be addressed.
He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.
She gave an address to the Royal Academy.
shortage (n)「短缺」來自於形容詞short,加上「-age」變成名詞用法,若缺乏的物品多於一個單字,則通常是用the shortage of N代表某件事物短缺,如快篩的英文COVID-19 rapid antigen tests包含五個單字,即可這樣使用。描述缺水時,則可簡單寫成water shortage。
There’s a shortage of food and shelter in the refugee camps.
The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages.
in the wake of「隨之而來」,這個介系詞主要表達在某件事情發生後隨之而來的結果,of要接所發生的事情,因此結果要寫在前面,與中文的思考邏輯相反,要特別注意;和動詞wake up「起床」意思完全不同。
Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday‘s bomb attacks.
surge是「急遽」的意思,本身可做動詞和名詞,英文解釋為a sudden and great increase
An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash.
The company’s profits have surged.
domestic是「國內的」意思,多益常見用法如domestic/airlines/flights(國內航空公司/航班)。此外,它也有「家庭內的」意思,如domestic chores/duties/arrangements
Domestic opinion had turned against the war.
name-based 實名制
The government must boost test capacity, outline the schedule for its name-based rationing scheme for tests, and allow the import and sale of a wider range of tests as soon as possible.
boost test capacity代表「增加檢測量」,boost (v)有「增強、改善」的意思,也可用作名詞使用,用作名詞時,增強的對象需加上介系詞to。此外,boost to confidence「增加信心」是英文中很常見的說法。
The theater managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.
The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000.
She has a great capacity for hard work.
During the war, no one was allowed more than their ration of food, clothing, and fuel.
Do you remember when petrol was rationed to five gallons a week?
1. The teachers’ association has announced that the food and drinks ________ supplied at the annual conference will not be provided this year.
(A) usually (B) hugely (C) evenly (D) strictly
2. All passengers should present their ________ documents at the check-in counter.
(A) boarded (B) boarding (C) to board (D) boards
3. Mayor Williams proudly described the city as a place where the citizens are ________ for their hospitality.
(A) returned (B) known (C) taken (D) held
1. 正解(A)。語意為「教師聯合會已經宣佈,今年將不再提供年會上通常會提供的食物和飲料。」形容詞子句supplied at the annual conference中省去了關係代名詞which,意思就是往年通常的作法在今年有所變動,因此usually才是最合理的選擇。故(A)為正確答案。
2. 正解(B)。語意為「所有的乘客應該在報到處出示登機文件。」登機證、護照等皆可稱作登機文件,是機場慣用語。故(B)為正確答案。
3. 正解(B)。語意為「Williams市長驕傲地將這座城市描述為市民以熱情好客而聞名的地方。」本題要考動詞片語be known for「以…聞名」的說法,故(B)為正確答案。
Source: https://www.englishok.com.tw/toeic/toeic-issue/rapid-antigen-tests
文章由 English OK 授權使用: www.englishok.com.tw
Noise pollution is a frequently underestimated environmental hazard. While hearing loss is the best-known outcome associated with noise, emerging research is uncovering how noise affects our health in other ways. From impaired memory and sleep disturbances to cardiovascular problems, the impact of noise is profound. For a start, unpleasant or excessively loud sounds can lead to stress and divert attention. Even everyday noises, such as those caused by traffic, lawnmowers, and construction work, can interfere with cognitive functions and elevate stress levels. “Our ears capture sound, but we hear with our brains,” explains Wei Sun, an audiology researcher at
In the digital age, where communication revolves around text messages, “telephone phobia” (also known as “telephobia”) has become increasingly common, especially among young adults. Despite the ubiquity of smartphones, a significant number of individuals experience anxiety when __1__ making or receiving a phone call. Telephobia, in essence, is a fear or reluctance related to speaking on the phone. __2__ other communication methods, phone conversations require spontaneous responses and lack visual feedback such as body language and facial expressions. In such a real-time situation, telephobia sufferers are concerned about their inability to respond or express themselves appropriately, which can lead
A: Apart from singer Daniel Kang, more South Korean stars are coming to Taiwan in March. B: Really? Like who? A: Taeyeon of Girls’ Generation will hold a concert at the Taipei Dome on March 16. B: So she’ll set a milestone by becoming the first K-pop artist to stage a show at the venue. A: Singer Lee Mu-jin, boy group NCT 127 and girl group GFRIEND are also visiting Taiwan. I can’t wait. A: 除了姜丹尼爾,3月有不少韓星訪台。 B: 真的嗎?有誰啊? A: 像是少女時代的太妍,3月16日即將唱進大巨蛋。 B: 成為首位破蛋的韓流歌手,這可真是一項里程碑! A: 歌手李茂珍、男團NCT 127、女團GFRIEND 3月也要來,真是令人期待。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張迪)
A: My favorite K-pop superstar, Daniel Kang, will hold a concert at the Taipei Music Center. B: Wow, I’ve also been a fan since he debuted in 2017 as the “center” of the two-year limited boy group Wanna One. A: Since Daniel went solo in 2019, he has continued to shine internationally. B: When is his show taking place? A: It’s scheduled for March 1, which is my birthday. It’s the best birthday gift ever. A: 我最愛的韓星姜丹尼爾要在台北流行音樂中心開唱啦。 B: 哇,自他在2017年以2 年限定男團Wanna One「C位」出道時,我就 一直是他的粉絲。 A: 而他在2019 年單飛後,還是持續在國際上發光發熱。 B: 演唱會是哪天? A: 日期訂在3月1日,也是我的生日。這真是最好的生日禮物! (By Eddy Chang,