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Photo: AFP 照片:法新社
You can add me on Line by searching for my phone number.
You can add my Line by searching for my phone number.
You can friend me on Line by searching for my phone number.
The star unfriended unrecognizable fans to limit his interactions with those posts.
Direct Message(DM)直接訊息
以往在多數人觀念裡,DM指的是百貨公司、大賣場發放的「廣告傳單」,但實際上DM此字為Direct Mail,指的是e-mail會收到的廣告信件。而在現代網路社群裡,DM指的是Direct Message,也就是「意者私訊」,在社群互動中,常直接作為動詞來使用。
If you want to know more about the program, please DM me for detailed inquiries.
此字是由phone(手機)和snub(冷落)構成,低頭族就是用phubber表示。現代人因為過度依賴智慧型手機,而逐漸被其綁架,因此澳洲已在多年前開始提倡stop phubbing campaign,鼓勵大眾解決此令人尷尬的社交新問題。
To fight against the obsession with smartphones, the “Stop Phubbing” campaign is going viral around the world.
Instagram 在IG發文
The fitfluencer excels in Instagramming his workout selfie with effective captions.
Many sports teams are used to live-tweeting to maximize engagement.
在網路上批評他人,除了常見字如criticize、attack、comment等,在二○一六年時,美國The Daily新聞播客訪談節目中,就採用troll這個單字指稱「酸民」的意思,如今則常用來表示「在網路論壇或社群故意留下激怒他人言論的人或訊息」,而動詞則是「在網路上留下煽動言論與攻擊」的意思。
The hater has been trolling people and communicating through shitposts in our FB group, so the administrator kicked her out.
live stream直播
近來社群網站直播功能逐漸健全且蓬勃發展,用戶得以即時實況播出影像,live stream可作動詞與名詞使用,直播主則為live streamer或online streamer。stream在多益測驗中多代表「溪流、水流」,an endless stream則用來形容「絡繹不絕」的意思。
The Internet celebrity got many donated virtual gifts when she live-streamed her reaching the summit on Facebook.
值得注意的是,直播的世界裡,觀眾或粉絲可以用平台的虛擬貨幣或禮物,donate(打賞)給直播主,得到與其互動的機會。而現今e-commerce live streaming(電商直播)已是社群軟體中不能忽視的行銷管道了,未來人們的社交與消費生活更將與社群軟體密不可分。
* 社群媒體常用英文動詞︰
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1. Given that we’re social beings, getting _______ usually makes victims themselves feel undervalued, resulting in eroded trust and relational instability.
(A) phub (B) phubbing (C) phubbed (D) to phub
2. In an era of full digital confrontations and Twitter feuds, entrepreneurs need to cope with _______ in a manner that won’t destroy the reputation of the enterprise.
(A) influencers (B) lurkers (C) streamers (D) trolls
1. 正解(C)。語意為「鑑於我們是社交動物,因對方滑手機而被輕視時,通常會讓受害者本身感到被低估,從而導致信任受損和關係不穩定。」本題為文法題。依照語意與用法,動作應為被動語態being/getting phubbed,故選(C)。
文章由 English OK 授權使用: www.englishok.com.tw
A: The 2024 BWF World Tour Finals just kicked off in Hangzhou, China yesterday. B: Only the world’s top 8 players and Olympic gold medalists are qualified for the annual games. A: Taiwan’s badminton duo, Lee Yang and Wang Chi-lin, won the Olympic gold. Did they qualify? B: Of course. This will be the “Lin-Yang duo’s” last dance. A: Taiwan’s badminton king Chou Tien-cheng, men’s doubles, Yang Po-hsuan and Lee Jhe-huei, and mixed doubles, Yang and Hu Ling-fang, will also compete this time. It’s sure to be awesome. A: 2024世界羽聯「BWF年終總決賽」,昨天已在杭州開打了。 B: 只有世界前8名選手,或奧運金牌才有資格參賽。 A: 台灣的李洋、王齊麟榮獲奧運男雙金牌,也可以參男雙賽囉? B: 當然啦,而這次將是「麟洋配」的最後一舞! A: 而台灣球王周天成,男雙楊博軒、李哲輝,混雙楊博軒、胡綾芳也將參賽,讚啦。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
The phenomenon of being “tea drunk” is a unique experience often associated with this popular beverage, especially when consuming brews that are particularly high-quality or strong. Unlike being drunk on alcohol, the effects of tea drunkenness stem from various compounds found in tea leaves. __1__ These substances can have a synergistic effect on the brain, resulting in a state of euphoria, relaxation, or heightened sensory awareness. __2__ One of the most obvious is the caffeine present in tea. It acts as a stimulant that increases alertness and cognitive function. Unlike coffee, however, tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid
A: Taiwan has won three golds at the BWF World Tour Finals in the past. B: Cool, who were the gold medalists? A: Badminton queen Tai Tzu-ying won gold in 2020 and 2023, and men’s double, Lee Yang and Wang Chi-lin, won the title in 2020 as well. B: It’s too bad that both Tai and Lee announced their retirement from badminton. A: Hopefully, Wang and his new partner — the 21-year-old, 189cm-tall Chiu Hsiang-chieh — can also perform well in the future. A: 台灣在「BWF年終總決賽」,曾3度奪金耶。 B: 真酷耶,是誰啊? A: 戴資穎在2020、2023年度的女單,李洋、王齊麟在2020年的男雙都曾奪金! B: 不過小戴、李洋已宣布,要從羽壇退休。 A: 希望王齊麟和新搭檔—21歲189公分的邱相榤—未來也能打出好成績。 (By Eddy Chang, Taipei Times/台北時報張聖恩)
Continued from yesterday(延續自昨日) https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang __3__ These generally include a sense of calm, mental clarity and a mild feeling of euphoria. Some people may also experience a light-headedness, giddiness, or a heightened appreciation for the flavors and aromas of the tea they are drinking. __4__ All these are signs that one should reduce their tea intake. It is essential to understand the balance between the beneficial and adverse effects of tea. Becoming tea drunk shows the potency of the natural compounds in tea and their impact on human physiology. Moreover, it highlights the complicated relationship between what we consume and how it